Ch. 1- After The Party. (Boyf Reinds) {BMC}

Start from the beginning

"Jeremy..? Why are you back in your old outfit..? Shouldn't you be in like...something cooler..? You're popular now...remember..?"

Jeremy smiled lightly. "Squip says I can wear whatever I'd like, He isn't as controlling as he used to be.."


"Well...because I-I don't need to be cool A-Anymore.."

"But what about Christine?"

"I don't have a C-Crush on her anymore.."

"What do you mean? You've liked her since 7th grade..."

"Th-That was just a minor crush M-Michael...I-I'm in love with someone E-Else.."

" said you were 'in love' with someone and that Christine was just a 'minor crush'? You're confusing me Jeremy.."

"I never 'Loved' Christine, I've only ever 'Loved' one person for a long time...I'm just now realizing this B-But..." Jeremy trailed off but soon spoke again.

"M-Michael...I-I'm bi..Squip helped me notice it."

"The squip is actually being helpful? That surprises me, but what surprises me even more is, you're bi?" I asked and Jeremy nodded.

"I-I was completely oblivious..."

"Oblivious to what?"

"Are you kidding me? How can you not tell?! Michael Mahal kita!"

I went silent.

'H-He loves me..?'

"I-I'm Sorry...Th-That-" I cut him off by kissing him, he soon melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around my neck, I wrapped mine around his waist and we both smiled into the kiss.

We soon pulled away from kissing, due to air.
"Jeremy... Mahal din kita."

We both smiled.

"Since I love you and you love me..will you be the 'boyf' to my 'reind?'" I asked.

"Yes Michael, I'd love to!" I pecked him on the lips gently.
After a week of dating, Jeremy and I decided to go to a jewelry shop and have a necklace with two parts made for us. We both decided on my half of it saying 'Riends' And Jeremy's said 'Boyf'

After an hour or so, the engraved two halves of the necklace were done, Mine was half of a game controller which said 'Riends' and Jeremy's was the other half and it read 'Boyf' when our two necklaces were placed together, they said the word boyfriends on them, plus they were game controllers since Jeremy and I were both huge gamers.

That day at school we sat in our group of newfound friends and showed off our necklaces, thus revealing we were dating.

"Congrats you two!" Christine said.

"Thanks Chris!" Jeremy said.

"Yeah congratth you guyth are finally boyfriendth, even after me thipping you for tho long." Rich said, ever since his squip was gone, he's had a lisp, which he said he had before the squip as well, but we wouldn't know since we weren't friends with him at the time.

Jake wrapped his arm around Rich, who laid his head onto Jake's shoulder.

Chloe and Brooke were giggling as they looked through Chloe's phone, Brooke was playing with Chloe's hair.

Jenna and Christine were chatting about the next school play.

Jeremy nuzzled his face in my neck, causing me to shiver lightly, but mess around with his messy curls, he was so cute. I felt him kiss my neck lightly, causing me to chuckle, I smiled and moved his face to look at me and placed a kiss on his nose, then he nuzzled his face back in my neck.

This day couldn't get any better, I was with my favorite person and we were happy, I smiled at my thoughts.
A/N: Well this was cute. I liked writing it!

~1100 Words~

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