Chapter 1

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Rhydian POV~

Maddy squealed as Rhydian tackled her from behind, and they both fell to the forest floor in peals of laughter, her on top of him, and he admired her dimples and brushed a leaf from her hair. Smiling, she leant in and pressed her lips to his-

"Rhydian Morris!" Jeffries slamed his palm on the table in anger, and Rhydian slumped further down his chair, head spinning from his daydream.

"Would you please pay attention! What did I just say? "

"I don't know, Sir."

"Oh for heavens sake! I don't know why I bother sometimes!" he cried.

"We were thinking the same thing." Kay giggled, "Time for retirement yet?"

The whole class erupted with laughter, except Rhydian.

"I don't know why you're still here. Get out!" Kay smirked at Rhydian before flouncing out of the classroom, slamming the door on her way out.

Jeffries rolled his eyes and turned back to the board. Rhydian wondered why she'd smirked at him, but his thoughts soon turned to Maddy again. He missed her so much.

The rest of the lesson was a blur and when the bell rang Rhydian was jolted from his daydreams a second time that day. He slung his rucksack over his shoulder, left the class and  joined everyone else in the canteen queue. With a pang he remebered the first time he'd been here, with Maddy.

"Rhydian, do you think-"

"What's on the menu?"

"I was talking to-"

"Please say it's not vegetarian!"



She sighed.

"Dinner. Tonight. At mine?"

"Oh no, I was right- it's veggy Tuesday!"

"So dinner at mine, 6pm. Did I mention it's meat night?"

"Did you say meat?"

"I did"

"I'll be there."

And then he'd wandered off, disgusted by the choice of food in the canteen.

He smiled sadly at the memory, then shook himself. He couldn't keep doing that. Having these flashbacks. She was better off without him, he knew that.

So why did the memories get stronger?

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