Chapter2: Attack on the forest!

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Hi readers of mine.

This chapter is dedicated to crystalmediamond.

Thanks for reading?

Anyway Shizen will only be 10 when the Anime starts but is 6 when she is rescued to avoid confusion in future chapters.

So she will be 2 years younger than Naruto.

Without further Ado...

Let the story Begin!


Shizen POV:

Well yesterdays training session worked out pretty well.

Seeing as I am a God in the world I have unlimited Chakra recources so I can kinda make alot of jutsu just never lose chakra.

So I wouldn't be suprised if someone came and attacked the forest just to get my power for evil.

URGH! Just the thoght of evil makes me sick.

I just hope that no one would ever think of attacking my home or they woul have to deal with me!

What Shizen did not know though is that her worst dream or should I say nightmare just came true.

Orochimaru POV:

We are currently in the forest of purity searching for this girl.

This girl that can give me the power to destroy the world.

'With her and more training I will be unsssstoppable!'

"Lord Orochimaru we have found the girl she is currently training about 2 miles to the north of here, so I suggest we hurry otherwise someone else might come."

"Yesss we wouldn't want her to get away."


Shizen POV:

I was currently working on my taijutsu as that is my weakest point 'cause I am only a little girl, when I heard a twig snap.

That's when I rose my guard.

I took out some of my flower shuriken (which by now I just have to think about them and they appear) and got into my fighting stance.

"Who is there come out now!" I shouted.

Thats when 4 men came out 2 mist ninjas and 2 creepy people who reek of snakes.

"What are you doing here? No one with evil should be able to enter this forest!" I said whilst mustering the evilist glare which I could muster, which just makes me look like I am staring.

"Oh we have a feisssty one here. But on other termsss I need to have you!" with that he charged at me with the others surrounding me.

"Nature release: Natures barrier!"

A barrier made out of vines started to form around me.

"That barrier wont protect you for long when it breaks we will have you." Four eyes said.

They tried a wide range of jutsu but they werent doing much to the shield.

"Well if that wont work how about we destroy something that is important to you!" With some quick handsigns the mist ninjas started to burn down the forest.

Whilst watching the forest burn I lost concentration on my shield so it crumbled and fell.

"Finally got you now you are mine!" The main snake man hissed.

His head was about 5 inches from my own when my flower guardians intercepted his attack.

"Run Shizen-Sama go to the leaf you will be safe there! Now go!"

Running closer to the leaf, each step i'm taking the more fire I can see.

The more animals are dead or fleeing.

The more things that I knew and grew up around dead.

These people behind me are still chasing me but it looks like they are trying to stop me from entering the leaf.

With the last of my strengh I reach the gates of the leaf and pass out infront of the guards.

Sorry this is  late I had writers block.
Eat a cookie!
Bye! ^-^

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