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HI!!! this is my first OFFICIAL book so I hope you guys like it! This chapter is gonna be hella short so, sorry in advance! Anyways I'm Rose and this is Ayato Kirishima x Reader. Your character's name is Nami Tsubita! In this one everyone is slightly younger so Hide and Kaneki are both 16, Ayato is 15, Touka is 16, and Nami is 15. Also this takes place after Kaneki is turned into a half ghoul! Enjoy. Don't forget to vote and follow me if you don't already and inbox me for any questions... or if you just want to talk lol. Love you guys! BYYEE!                                                    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 "Hiya Aya-Chan!", I chirped running into my best friends backyard. I was going over to play with Ayato, his big sister Touka was going to teach us how to hunt for worms. "Hi Nom-nom.", He said in his usual kind tone. Me and Ayato have known each other since we were born. My parents Mitsu and Ryo have known "Aunt" Hikari and "Uncle" Arata for a very long time. They aren't really related to me but their practically family. Me and Ayato ran inside, completely discarding the worm hunting, only to be scolded by Touka to take our muddy boots off before running through the hall way. Once we were released from Touka's lecture, we entered our secret fortress or aka Ayato's room.

"What should we play Aya-chan?", Ayato seemed to think for a while before a delighted expression took over his face. "Nami, I got it we can play marriage!", I was confused on what marriage was so I asked him."What's marriage Aya-chan?", Ayato paused a light blush tenting his cheeks. "W-well umm my mom said w-when you l-love a person y-you marry them a-and your my b-best friend and I-love you s-so..." scarlet now danced around my face. "I-I love you too Aya-chan! Ok, how do you play?", Ayato pondered a moment before speaking, "Well first I have to get down on my knees and ask permission to put a ring on your finger, the you say yes and that makes you my fisay? I think that's what mom called it, anyway, then we get married but you have to buy a priest first... oh yea we have to dress up all fancy too and after we say I do, I give you a kiss.", My face lit up with joy. A kiss? From Ayato?! No way I was passing  up that offer. 

So we got to work. Ayato made rings out of paper and tape, while Touka let me try one some of her dresses.Touka agreed to be our priest for a dollar and then we got ready for the service. In our fake church my mommy, daddy, Aunt Hikari, and Uncle Arata were in the front row and Biscuit my dog, my dolly Maka, Ayato's cat Fishnet and my older sisters Taru and Yasei were in the second row. "Ok do you Ayato Kirishima take Nami Tsubita to be your wife? I do. Ok and do you Nami Tsubita take Ayato Kirishima to be your husband? I do! Ok you can kiss her now.", Ayato leaned in and pecked me on the cheek. We celebrated with homemade cookies. It was 10 minutes passed my curfew and I didn't want to leave. So as usual, I started crying. "Don't cry Nom-nom I'll see you tomorrow!", concern in his tone. I sniffled and nodded. He gave me a big hug and walked me home. "BYE AYA-CHAN!", I screamed through my window. "BYE NOM-NOM!"

We were 5 years old. Ten years have passed since me and Ayato were "married". When I turned 10 my parents and I moved to the 24th ward. I cried for weeks, It sucked not getting to see Ayato and Touka. My sister Taru hates me now and Yasei is "too busy for her crybaby little sister" and It's because I cry all the time. I'm so fucking sorry I'm emotional. I wish Ayato were here he'd shut 'em up. I made friends here, but they can't replace Ayato.

My three bestfriends are Kaneki Ken, Hide Nagichika, and Vasuko Watari . Kaneki is like my older brother, he gives me advice, tutors me, comforts me when I'm sad, and he's really sweet. We're kinda alike, awkward, emotional, book worms. Hide is like the best friend of all bestfriends. Not only does this guy give me relationship advice but, he indulges me in the latest gossip! I love him too death and somehow he manages to get me and Neki out of the house. Vasuko is like my little sister... even though she older. She's wild, obnoxious, and loud, but somehow I ended up sticking by her. God, I just realized she and Hide are soul mates.

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