Last chapter :(

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A/N: thank you for reading this book. I honestly would've finished this book earlier but some of you guys really enjoyed this book so I decided to continue. But this time I have decided to end it :'( I'm sorry.

Jack's POV*

I wanted to tell her. I tried thinking of ways I could, but I knew I couldn't do it.

I was really really sick. Nobody knew, not even my parents.  I would always go to the doctors secretly. I would always lie and say that I had to go to the store or that I was going for a run. 

I would always lie and say that I was fine. But I wasn't. I was slowly dyeing.  I coughed up blood, I was getting weaker.  I wasn't me anymore.

I decided to write a letter to y/n telling her everything, Incase if I didn't make it. I knew I didn't have much long to live. I made sure that the last days of my life were spent with my friends and family.

I also recorded a video for them to watch if a pass away.  I made sure to attach it to the letter.

I hope they know that I truly love them and that I'll always be with them forever.

Y/n's POV*

It was a perfect, normal day. Everything was beautiful, everyone was so happy. It was like a moment that you could never forget.

We were all together, watching a movie. Suddenly Jack gets up and runs into the bathroom. Jack had been acting weird lately. He's been going to the bathroom often and he's been going out and always making the same excuses. I was getting really worried.

I got up and I go to the bathroom. I hear coughing. I knock on the door.
" hey Jack are you ok?"  I ask worriedly.

The coughing continues.  I open the door and I see him coughing up blood. " Jack?!" I said and run up to him.

He looked at me. " I-I wanted t-to t-tell y-" then he passes out and falls into my arms.

" GUYS HELP!!" I cried. I held Jack into my arms and cried. " it'll be alright jack, we'll get you to the hospital and they'll treat you. Everything is going to be alright o-ok" I sobbed.

The guys ran upstairs and helped me. "Everyone get in the car" Daniel said. They all nod and Daniel helps me carry Jack.

We all get in the car and immediately drive to the hospital. I held his hand and cried. " y/n he's going to be ok.." Zach said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked into his eyes , they were red and puffy. " and what if he's not?" I cried. He hugged me.

*time skip at the hospital*

They rushed Jack into the emergency. We had to wait.

I saw Daniel trying to hold back tears. I knew he wanted to cry. He looked so upset. He didn't talk to any of us, everyone stayed silent.

*After 20 mins*

The doctor came back. I studied his face, I wanted to know what happened to Jack, I wanted to know if he was alright.

" are you guys friends of Jack Avery?" The doctor asks. Everyone nodded and looked at him.

He sighed. " Jack couldn't make it..." he said. At that moment my whole world came crashing down. I felt my heart break. 

I couldn't take it, i ran out outside the hospital and sat on a bench and cried my heart out. I suddenly felt someone pull me into a hug.

I look up to see Daniels watery eyes. I hug back. " I miss him Daniel" I cried. " me too, we all do" he said. I could hear the hurt in his voice. 

Everyone joined in the hug.
" He was a really great person" Zach said. " He always made everyone smile" Jonah said. "I'll miss him pranking me every morning.." Corbyn said.  Everyone chuckled a bit.
" he was my bestfriend, my brother" Daniel said. " he was the love of my life. He was my world." I said.

We stayed there silent. Everyone was crying and hugging each other.
" would you like to see him one more last time?" The doctor asked. We all nod. "y/n should go first" Daniel said and the guys agree.

The doctor left me in the room alone with jack. I looked at him. He was beautiful, he was like an angel. He had no Flaws, he was perfection. 

I walk up to him and i held his hand. A tear rolled down my cheek, making it fall onto his face.  I wipe it and I kiss his cheek.

" I love you Jack Robert Avery. I will always love you and only you. I love you for who you are and what you did. You were always there for me. You made me smile and laugh. You're angelic voice always filled my ears and made me happy. You will always be in my heart and mind." I said. I kissed his hand and let it go.

I walked out the room and waited outside. After the boys took turns to see Jack one last time we all went home.

When I arrived home I laid his room and cried. I cried and I cried because that's all that I could do. I hugged a teddy bear that he had given to me. I could still smell his perfume. I could still hear his laughs and giggles.

As I continued to cry I looked at a picture of us on the nightstand. Then I notice a note. I decide to open and read it.

' Dear y/n,

You are an amazing girl. You are beautiful, you are talented, you are unique. I like everything about you and I'm so grateful to have meet a girl like you. I am sorry for not telling you about my health. I am sorry that you have to go through all of this pain. I didn't want to tell you because seeing you happy and joyful made me forget about my sickness. You deserved to know and so did the guys. I want you to follow your heart and dreams. I want you to become successful. I want you to have a happy family, and a loving and caring husband.  Don't give up on life. Tell the guys that I am so proud of them and to keep it up. Tell them to not give up and to keep making the limelight's happy.  I love you y/n y/l/n
You are my whole world, my love, and my life.

Love Jack.

P.s. I have a disk that I want you and the guys to watch. Also I cried while writing this.

I  looked and see that disk that he was talking about.

I got up and knocked on each of the guys door. I guess they couldn't sleep either. We all went to the living room and watched.

Seeing his beautiful face and hearing his voice made me feel worse. I missed him so bad.

" hey guys!, it's me jack. You already knew that, I don't know why I said my name, I'm just so nervous!!" *chuckles*

" anywaysss, I wanna apologize to you guys for not telling you earlier about my health. I was so upset and feeling a bit depressed. I feel bad for not telling you guys earlier, you guys deserved to know"

" I love you all to death. Each one of you guys are very important to me".

" well I gotta go now, I have to go watch a movie with the love of my life and my bestfriends" *video ends*

Everyone was tearing up.  " guys he is right. We shouldn't give up, we're doing this all for Jack" Daniel said.

Everyone nods. " for Jack" we all say.

// I'm sorry 😩. And thank you for reading this book. Goodbye everyone ❤️.

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | Jack Avery x Reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin