Finding Who Matters

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(The scene starts with Lucas sitting down at his desk. It's been one year since the incident.)

(Julia knocks on Lucas's door and walks in. She sits down on a chair next to Lucas.)

Julia: Hey.

Lucas: Hey.

Julia: Everything okay?

Lucas: I guess.

Julia: Do you wanna talk about it?

Lucas: I don't know what to say.

Julia: Well, how are you feeling?

Lucas: I don't really know. Happy, weird, anxious.

Julia: You might just be sick.

Lucas: I feel fine.

Julia: I haven't really seen you come down all day. You probably just need some food.

Lucas: I'm not hungry.

Julia: I'll have Ryder bring you a plate.

Lucas: Mom.

Julia: He'll be up in a second.

(Julia gets up and walks out of Lucas's room. Lucas stays sitting down. He looks at his room and gets up from his desk. He opens his closet and pulls out the duffel bag from the other house. He opens it and stares at everything inside. He throws the bag across his room. He grabs his baseball bat and starts hitting the bag. Ryder walks into Lucas's room with a plate of food.)

Ryder: Lucas?

(Lucas keeps hitting the bag. Ryder sets the plate down on the desk and grabs Lucas. Lucas throws the bat down and sits in his desk chair.)

Ryder: Dude. You good?

Lucas: No I'm not.

Ryder: Want me to get-

Lucas: No you can't go get anyone.

Ryder: What happened?

Lucas: It's been a year.

Ryder: I know.

Lucas: No you don't.

Ryder: Yes I do Lucas.

Lucas: Stop.

Ryder: Stop what? Lucas what's wrong?

Lucas: Don't say that.

Ryder: Say what? Lucas?

Lucas: Stop!

Ryder: I think I need to get mom.

Lucas: No. I gotta go.

(Lucas gets up, puts his jacket on, and grabs his keys. He leaves his room and Ryder follows him.)

Ryder: Lucas!

(Lucas keeps walking until he gets to the kitchen.)

Lucas: I'm going for a drive. I'll be back before curfew.

Julia: Wait where are you going? Did you eat?

Lucas: I'm not hungry.

(Lucas walks out of the house as Ryder walks out from the hallway holding the plate of food.)

Julia: Ryder what was that about?

Ryder: I don't know.

(Lucas gets in his car and drives away.)

(Scene cuts to Lucas pulling into a parking lot to an apartment building. It was a ten minute drive.)

(Lucas gets out of the car and walks inside the building. He goes up three flights of stairs and walks to the room with the number 213 on it. He knocks on the door until someone answers. Andrew opens the door. Lucas storms in.)

Finding Who MattersWhere stories live. Discover now