Mini Competition Winners

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Here are the winners of the mini competition, which was to write within a 100 word limit! The winners have gotten a follow from me.

Two have tied up, and they are:

onesecondcloser and JadedElegance!

Clouded Judgement 

The thin walls of our apartment hardly muffle even whispers. 

Mother is in the bedroom with a stranger again. I doubt she's even aware of her surroundings. 

Bottles line our floors and there is unknown white substances on the table. 

I listen in. 

"I know we have talked about it before, but I'll double my offer, come on, Linda." 

"My daughter is barely fifteen," mother replies in between moans. 

"It'll buy you a lot of coke!" She hesitates. 

"Alright deal." 

I pick up the knife I had been constantly sharpening. He will be dead before he touches me.


I know who you are, your honeyed sighs like bullets---

My cold, efficient assassinSent to destroy an illusion of happiness.

I could not see until the unveiling.

You, obligingly on your knees;

Ecstasy and torture are all the same.

It is the conquest that pleases.

None of us can forget

Life and love is ravaged on borrowed time.

Hatred, however, cuts to the bone, and

It is often fury blind enough to transcend lifetimes.

"I will tell her tomorrow, I promise."

I recoil at his overheard whisper

Before the sound of your falsely girlish giggle

Becomes your dagger;

Mixed with a silent tear,

Dripping like blood and screaming of death.


There was one more which was good, it was written by winterInaya


Your door was half open, you were inside

With my feet trembling, I hid outside

Outraged when I heard her voice

Shocked when you said you bought Her a Rolls Royce 

You said her she was your sweetheart

It made me tore completely apart

Terribly broken when I heard that I didn't mean anything

With an evil laugh she said, how well we pulled out whole thing

Destroyed, When you said you brought her a ring

All I realized, love was nowhere, cheat was everything



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