Werewolf Period

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I came back from my meeting to see my beautiful baby girl laying peacefully in the bed. She was sound asleep, light snores escaping her mouth. I looked down at the certificate in my hand and smiled. I smiled because this certificate will fix everything between us, hopefully our marriage.

"Going into the bathroom I placed the certificate in the box of men's clippers under the bathroom sink. When I came out of the bathroom, I noticed that my baby girl was sitting upright staring at the wall.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I asked, shaking her from her thoughts. She turned around to face me, then smiled.

"I was waiting for you to come home. How was the meeting?" She asked, moving from the bed to wrap her arms around my neck. I bunched my eyebrows in confusion, as I placed my hands around her waist. What the hell is she talking about?

It took me a minute to realize that she was talking about the cover story I gave her to go to my appointment.

"It was fine." I said, giving her a kiss on the nose. Her smile went to a frown as fast as I came.

"What?" I asked, as she pulled away from me, and walked out of the room. I followed her down stairs to the kitchen.

"Nothing I'm just hungry." She lied, going into the refrigerator and grabbing the big jar of Nutella. She ripped the "Property of Stephen" sticky note off of the jar, and tossed it into the trash.

"Uh Iris I dont think..." I began, but shut down as soon as I saw the death glares that she was throwing me. I shrugged my shoulders, and grabbed a spoon to join her, but she only growled and snapped her teeth as her eyes turned blue. 

I stepped back, and held my hands up in the air as surrender. Her eyes died down, and her attention focused back onto her Nutella jar.

"I need tampons." She said, before taking the jar and her big spoon up to our room. What? I ran upstairs to our room only to see her laying in the bed watching "Mickey Mouse", a smile on her face. That was until I walked in.

"Why are you still here?" She asked, never taking her eyes of the show.

"I live here." I responded, taking off my suit, and replacing them with sweatpants.

"You wont anymore if you wont go to Walmart, and buy me some tampons." Iris said, laughing whenever goofy started dancing.

"Iris you better watch your fucking mouth before I-" I began, but was cut off when I saw a flash across the room. Not long after that a knife was placed to my throat from behind me, and I was on my knees. Iris was growling in my ear, as she gently slid the knife around my throat.

"If you wont get your ass to that store so that I could do something about this fucking menstrual cycle I will kill you right here right now." She whispered in my ear. This is so fucking hot.

"Okay I'm going." I said, carefully sliding from away the knife and to the door. I ran out to my car, and quickly got in before she could sneak up on me and knife point me again. Damn, a fucking werewolf on her cycle is no joke!





When I noticed the bloody spot on the bed I sat upright and just stared at the wall counting every fucking thing wrong in my life. Good thing that a normal werewolf period only lasted three days. That means that when my period is finished, I'll have one day left to make that call. Until then I'm stuck in this hell for three days.

Now your probably wondering "How the hell do humans have periods for a fucking week or more, and you only get three lazy days?" That's because when our periods start, we have to get locked up in a room or cave for those three days, or we will kill everyone who upsets us. 

So that means no human contact, because you fuck around with one of us on our periods you've done fucked up. So now I'm in prison, for three days.

A maid walked in and handed me a house phone. Yes you heard me right. Not only did this bitch just walk in without knocking, but she handed me a house phone.

"Have you not heard of knocking?" I asked my eyes glowing blue with anger, and a growl escaping my throat. 

"Master is on the phone, he wants to talk to you." The maid said quietly, handing me the phone and completely ignoring my question. I snatched the phone from her and threw it against the wall, shattering it. She looked at me with anger...that was until she saw the blood stain on my sheets. That's when her anger turned into terror.

I closed my eye and sniffed the air, loving the smell of fear that she radiated. I got up and slowly walked to the nightstand to get the knife, but when I turned around the maid was gone. I ran to the door only to find it locked. I threw the knife at the door and screamed my lungs out, demanding them to open the door.

After about ten minutes I stopped screaming. My throat becoming dry, and my eyes becoming droopy. I tried to fight the sleep, but I lost as my eyes closed. There I laid on the floor murderous, shivering, and bloody. Welcome to the life of a werewolves period.




I woke up the next morning in a different room, and bed. Looking around I noticed a mini fridge, bathroom, nightstand, TV, a microwave, a closet, a dresser, a bookshelf stacked with books, and a IPhone 8+. The windows looked like they were glued shut, and I'm pretty sure that door is locked.

 The windows looked like they were glued shut, and I'm pretty sure that door is locked

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I grabbed the IPhone and noticed a sticky note beside it.

Baby girl:

I have dealt with werewolf periods before, I have had many wives before you. So I created this werewolf period safety room for you. It has everything you need in here to be comfortable, including two jars of Nutella. And before you think about escaping the phone only has two numbers, me and Alisha. AND each call is recorded. I will come and pick you up in two more days.

Love, Damon

Ps: When your period is over we are so fucking, cause what you did in that room is so hot.

I rolled my eyes and crumbled the note up throwing it into the trashcan. Walking to the mini fridge I opened to find It stacked to the brim with all kinds of chocolate and drinks. Grabbing a water I closed the fridge and went to the bathroom.

"Now to find tampons." I mumbled, looking under the cabinet. My eyes nearly popped out of my head as I saw every single menstrual item I could think of. I picked out the ALLNIGHTER ultra thin pads since I was going to be in bed all day I went out to the closet, grabbed a matching Mickey Mouse Pajama set, and then hopped into the shower.

I thoroughly washed my body of caked up period blood. When I was done with that I did my wash and go since I haven't washed my hair in two weeks. After I was done I toweled dry my natural curls and braided my hair in two simple braids. Finally after getting dressed I grabbed a few snacks from the mini fridge and turned on the TV to watch my favorite show "Mickey Mouse." I swear Minnie better back off cause Mickey's my man. A bitch will get dragged by her ears today.

Curled up in my covers with my show on and snacks beside me I thought "Hey this isn't going to be a terrible period after all."


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