Frog Brothers

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Lydia walked into the comic book store and raised her eyebrows. The whole store was just full of comic books. She looked at the counter and saw two hippies fast asleep. She snorted and followed Sam. "Sammy where did Michael go?" She asked. He shrugged his shoulders and answered. "He was following that girl. I saw this comic book store and then I spotted you looking lost on the bench". She nodded her head and smiled at her little brother. She was glad that he decided to go to her first. She followed her brother to a section and sighed. She had no interest in comics but Sam was. She looked up and frowned when she saw two boys, around Sam's age trailing them.

Lydia looked up and watched as the two boys looked at each other. The one with the bandana nodded at the dark haired boy. "Notice anything unusual about Santa Carla yet?" The boy with the dark hair asked. Lydia sighed and looked at Sam. "No it's a pretty cool place. If your a martian". Lydia let out a small laugh ar her brother's reply. She stopped laughting when the two brothers gave her a stern look. "Or a vampire". Lydia frowned and raised her eyebrow. "Are you guys sniffing on news paper print or something?" Sam asked smirking. The boy in the red bandana replied. "You really think you know whats happening around here don't you. Well i'll tell you something, you don't know shit buddy". 

Lydia frowned at the way he spoke to her brother. Before she could say anything the dark haired boy said. "Yeah you think we work in a comic book store for are folks huh?" Lydia followed Sam and said. "I'm waiting outside, I'm not listening to this shit". She glared at the two younger boys and walked out of the comic book store. As she walked out a group of Surfer Nazis walked in. She kept her head down, not wanting to interact in anyway with them. She stood outside for about two minutes when she watched the Surfer Nazi's ran out, mutiple comic books in there hands. She shook her head and she knew they would get what was coming for them. Stealing like that was disgusting. 

Sam walked out and he tucked a comic book into his jacket. "They gave me a comic book on the house". He said. She raised her eyebrow and asked. "Let me guess, is it about werewolfs?" Sam smirked and shook his head. He pulled the comic book out. "About Vampires". He muttered. She sighed and shook her head. "Let's find Michael and go home. I'm tired and I don't really like being out this late without him". Sam nodded and ran ahead. Lydia glared at her brother's figure as he ran and tried to catch up.

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