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        Kija.......looks......bad. It looks like Princess Yona could see that as well.
"I'm sorry for you to see me in such a bad state Princess."
"There's a bug on your back White Snake," Hak teased. I might have told him that Kija was scared of bugs. But it was a treat to see him run and scream. (Up to a certain point.)
"Kija! Hak was only playing with you! Come back!" Princess Yona yelled.
"All right you four! We are entering a village so try to blend in.
"Okay," Her highness, Hak and Kija said in unison.
This isn't going to work. Number one! One is an ex-general. Number two! A red-haired princess is among us. Not that I mind much. I still wish that my hair was red or any other color than blue. Number three! Another has silver hair and a HUGE scaly hand. And number four! I have blue hair, red eyes AND blue wings. What could possibly go wrong?
We entered one of the three village that we believed Seiryuu lived.
"Is he here Kija?" Yoon asked. He shook his head.
"Not here."
"That rules out one. Two to go," I state.
After we walked for a while we came to another village. Seiryuu wasn't there either. And that last one? Not there.
"This is getting ridiculous," Yoon states. Kija points to the mountains.
"I feel something pulling me in that direction."
"Maybe your nose is stuffed up White Snake," Hak says.
"I'm not a bloodhound!"
I look in the direction Kija pointed. The mountains.... Then I remembered my dream. Mountains near the border.
"Princess have you injured yourself?" I heard Kija ask. I look over to see Lady Yona rubbing her feet.
"I just need to rest a bit that's all," she assured him. Yoon gave her a bottle for her to drink. She took a small sip. "This is good. What is it?"
"Loquat cider. Drink it. It will help you," Yoon answered. I got up and went over to her.
"Let me heal you a little bit." I knelt down and stared to help Princess Yona. When I was done she smiled sweetly at me. "Thank you Asuka. You're awesome." I smiled back.
"I'll crush up some herbs and put them on your legs okay?"

Night time came sooner than I thought. Next thing I knew I was on a tree branch wanting to go to sleep. However, I couldn't stop thinking about that mans words. Don't forget. It was enough to make my cheeks red, my mark start to ache a little and my heart skip a beat.
     What's going on? How does that man know me? And....I paused for a second and sighed. Why does he make me feel like this? He looked so sad and lonely. I really want to know why. Is he someone that I need to know? I'll find out soon enough. I...want to have another dream of him. He might know something. I hope. I thought. I closed my eyes for a little bit but still couldn't go to sleep. After a while I jumped down from the branch and went for a small walk.
When I stepped out into a small meadow, the moonlight rain down on my face as I looked up. It was a big beautiful light. Then something in my head click. I haven't flown for a while. My wings need to be stretched out a little bit. I took off and folded my cloak so I could spread my wings out.  My fire on them was starting to die down a little bit, which is good.
I need to figure out how to keep my wings from being on fire. They would stand out more than I need. I closed my eyes to concentrate my power to extinguish my blue fire. Once I could feel that it was gone, I opened my eyes. And with that, I stated to flap my wings and took off in the air. The wind in my hair and wings.... I felt so free. Like that time I left my village. I smiled brightly and spread my arms out. Words can't describe what it's like to fly. I never want to stop. While I was flying I looked down to see Princess Yona up and practicing her archery.
From the looks of it, she's getting better. I wanted to go down and talk to her...but I didn't want to disturb her practicing. So I decided to return to camp, and sleep(Which came easily).

When I woke up I saw Yoon looking at the map. I jumped down and walked over to him.
"Whas' up? Had a good night's rest?" I asked. He nodded.
"I'm trying to figure out why Kija is pointing to the mountains. No one can live there. Right?" he asks. I giggled. "What is it?"
"Nothing. But I've been having a dream where someone is saying to go to those mountains. It might be a blind spot but I have a feeling that people can adapt to harsh condition in some ways. Especially on the border," I explain. "Not to mention that story of a village suddenly disappearing in thin air. So..." Yoon must have gotten my message. "What if there was a village living in harsh conditions, hiding from the outside world?" we ask in unison. I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"We've got it!"
"Got what Yoon? Asuka?" Princess Yona asked.
"Seiryuu's hideout. Asuka and I believe that Seiryuu is near the border. Near those rocky mountains," Yoon state.

After a while, we finally reached the entrance to the village.
"Hey Kija! You-" Yoon stated but was cut off my Kija.
"He's here. I'm certain of it. Seiryuu is here," Kija smirked. I smiled and looked at the village.
Who ever you are, I'll find you. I promise.

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