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Full name: Gabbie Carpenter Browne
Name: Gabbie
Aliases: Jerk, Tsundere, Baka, Awesome, Lil' Sis, Brave girl, The girl with the golden heart, Gab
Titles: Guard at Skycity
Age: That's not important Baka!
Species: Human
Love Interest: None
Sexuality: Homosexual
Gender: Female
Hometown: OCness (Previously SkyCity)
Favourite Traveling spot: SkyCity
Main Fandom: MCSM
Mother: Not Mentioned (Deceased)
Father: Not Mentioned (Deceased)
Uncle: None
Aunt: Not Mentioned (Alive)
Siblings: Not Mentioned Brother (Deceased)
Cousins: None
Best friend: Hunter, her pet wolf (Alive)
Genderbent self: None
Birthday: October 19th
Personality: Gabbie is a very stubborn and quite cold young girl. She is more known as a Tsundere  to others. Even before her family's demise, she was always salty, quiet and irrational. Though after her family's death, she just became more neglected, serious, merciless and overall, not friendly. She wouldn't hesitate to hurt you even though you've proven that you're not a threat to her. She calls everyone an idiot or Baka except her friend Alex. She has major trusting issues after the blaze rods came in her Hometown and recked everything up. She also finds the idea of shipping stupid. She thinks that it's useless and just idiotic how people scream over other human beings. When it comes to love life, she barely blushes and always yell at the person in whom she has interest in. She doesn't care if people teases her or talks about the person in which she likes.
Favourite quote: "So what do you want? A slow and painful death? Or a fast and even more painful one?"
Likes: Being alone, weapons and combat
Dislikes: Idiots, Daytime and loud noises
Favourite Food: Potatoes 
Favorite Drink: Water
Backstory: Gabbie was born a human in a family of three. Her mother, father and brother. They were blacksmiths in SkyCity so she learned to fight at an early stage in her life. Gabbie ses weapons as no threat at all and instead as the 'solution to all your problems'. At the age of seven, she already knew how to hold her own. She lived a pretty happy life until the blazerods attacked SkyCity. Since they knew how to fight, the family fought their way out, trying to get out of this place. But they remembered that the founder told them that there was nothing but void underneath them. So they just had to hold up their fight. Due to the speed of the spawning of the mobs, the family soon became exhausted. Her father, mother and brother slid their eyes off Reality for a second but it was too late, four zombies tackled the exhausted blacksmiths which resulted in their early deaths right in front of the brown haired girl's eyes.

After their demise, Gabbie was mentally unstable. She was now distraught and as if there was no use of fighting anymore. But she used a piece of cloth from her home as a parachute down. She knew what the founder told everyone. But she was pretty surprised to find land instead of the spacious beyond. From there, she held a grudge against Isa, Aiden, Maya and Gill. She disliked them and tended to call them 'Bakas' often. She pretty much lived a forest life after the war. She learned to hunt, make a shelter and even claim this territory as her own. She even crafted a gold sword. She knows that gold swords aren't the most durable but she preferred to fight with them then the diamond swords. As she progressed her life in the forests, she met a gray wolf with light blue eyes who visited her frequently. She named him Hunter and called him her pet. Hunter now helps her hunt and protects her.
Appearance: Gabbie has brown hair and is tied in a ponytail. She has yellow eyes. She wears a yellow leather jacket with a black and white stripped shirt underneath. She also has black pants and yellow sneakers. She is mostly seen with her trustworthy golden sword.
Final Fate: Alive
-Gabbie detests the daytime because of the sunlight that greets her when she wakes up.
-she likes the colour gold a lot.
-she doesn't get along with others much.
-she doesn't talk to others much
-she is pretty wild from time to time.
-she is a early bird (wakes up at five in the morning)
-she likes to eat potatoes since it's easy to find in the forests
-she wishes that she could just kill the blazerods for causing her family's death and kill the founder for lying to everyone.
-she gets along pretty well with Alex since they have a lot in common.
-she hates Halobrine with a burning passion.

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