Chapter Eight: The First of Many

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Amara couldn't keep the smile from her face, she couldn't believe the fact that she was now married; the fact that her husband had yet to look away from her only pleased her even more. 

Even now as she walked around the banquet hall, Amara was aware that Oberyn's eyes had not left her; she was thrilled with the fact that she had succeeded in pulling his attention away from his whore. 

It was hard to believe that things had worked out this way and there were moments that Amara had worried that she would find herself in a marriage that would lead to her unhappiness. 

"Your Grace," a man said stepping out of the crowd, he bowed low to her and Amara stared at him; she recalled seeing him beside Ellaria during the ceremony, she was a little unsure what to make of the large man. 

People had been coming to her all evening to introduce themselves to Amara, many hoping for places in her household for their daughters or sister; it was strange being in such a position of power now. 

"Allow me to introduce myself... Lord Harmen of House Uller," the man said, his eyes taking in the woman that had taken everything from his daughter and seeing nothing that would hold Oberyn's attention. 

He had known Oberyn since he was a child and he was certain that a wife would not tie down the Red Viper; he found it amusing that this silly little girl thought that she could do so. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my lord," Amara replied, she found the name familiar but she had never meet the man and she was sure that he was somehow related to Ellaria and that fact alone made her uneasy. 

On principle, Ellaria was her enemy and she was certain that the other woman felt the same; they were both in competition for the attention of the same man. 

Lord Harmen pursed his lips at that, up close he wouldn't deny that she was a beauty but he knew that this woman was nothing more than a threat to his daughter and grandchildren.

"I have to admit Your Grace that you were not what I was expecting," Lord Harmen mused, his eyes sweeping the hall as he smiled to himself pleased to find that Ellaria was in attendance. 

His daughter looked beautiful in her gown and he had insisted that she be here to remind everyone that was celebrating Oberyn's marriage that he had belonged to her first. 

"I had hoped that you would be mouse," Lord Harmen continued, he had thought long and hard about what he would say to Amara should he be graced with the chance to speak with her. 

Oberyn seemed distracted and Doran was talking with his son, neither men seemed to realise the danger that lurked right in this room nor would they have the power to stop it. 

Lord Harmen smiled as he turned his full attention back to Amara, the woman that he would quite happily murder if it allowed his own daughter to rise. 

Ellaria deserved so much more than the title of paramour, she was the one that should be Princess of Dorne; not this chit that had appeared from nowhere with a family that no one cared for. 

"Don't think that you can please the Prince... you are nothing more than a decoration for his arm, it is my daughter who holds his heart," Lord Harmen hissed, this would be the only warning that he offered her and if she was smart she would listen. 

He moved away before anyone could realise that he had threatened her; he doubted that this would end well should his actions be discovered. 

Amara watched him leave, her stomach twisting at his words and she tried not to let them bother her.

However, a small part of her couldn't help but feel like they were true, she had seen the looks that her husband offered his paramour even now; she found herself alone in a room of people that she did not know who to trust. 

Shaking her head, Amara forced another smile to her face knowing that people would talk if she frowned for too long; it was her wedding day and she should be celebrating. 

"Princess... Prince Doran has informed me that it is time to prepare you for the bedding ceremony," Herit said approaching her lady, a kind smile on her face knowing that it was time for them to leave while Oberyn would join her shortly. 

The news made Amara's stomach drop, she hadn't expected it so soon and her eyes could only seek out her husband who was speaking with his brother. 

This was her duty and should the Gods will it then tonight would be the night that she would conceive a child for her husband; she truly wasn't sure how she felt about that when it felt like someone could steal everything she held dear away from her in a heartbeat. 

"Of course, whatever His Grace commands," Amara replied trying to sound more confident than she felt, her words but a whisper in the banquet hall where people continued to drink and be merry. 

Allowing Herit to lead her from the hall, Amara didn't dare look back as she exited and she was almost glad to step out into the cool evening air as they made their way to her new chambers. 

These would be the chambers that she would share with her husband, a place that they could be themselves away from the eyes of the court. 

Doran had been ever so kind to offer them chambers that looked over the beautiful gardens; he had insisted that his new sister be comfortable in her home.

The walk to the chambers didn't take as long as Amara had hoped and she quickly found herself being changed out of her wedding gown and into a light night gown; her ladies ensuring that she looked perfect for her wedding night. 

Once ready the Septon entered the room and blessed the bed, his words soft as he did so and offering Amara little distraction from the nerves that built within her. 

When he had done, Amara dismissed all but the ladies that she felt most comfortable with; her hands shaking slightly while she waited the arrival of her husband. 

Herit did her best to distract her friend and mistress from her nerves, she brushed her fingers through Amara's hair while they waited for news that the Prince was on his way. 

After what felt like an eternity one of the doors to the chamber opened and Amara quickly got to her feet, her fingers clutching at her night gown expecting to see her husband at the doors. 

However, she only felt disappointed when she realised that it was one of the guards that Doran had chosen for her and she felt silly for getting so worked up. 

"My apologies Your Grace... the Prince wished for me to inform you that he would not be coming this night," Ka said watching as her face fell at the news. 

He truly felt bad for her and he wished that he had delivered better news, she looked so lonely even with all these ladies standing around her; he didn't think he had seen her truly smile since he had been appointed to her. 

Herit quickly dismissed the guard and ordered the other ladies from the room; tomorrow everyone would know that the Prince had forsaken his new bride's bed. 

It was only when the door to her chambers were closed and Amara was alone, that she allowed the tears to fall; she collapsed to her knees knowing exactly where her husband was spending their wedding night. 

Herit hurried forward and gathered Amara up in her arms, she whispered softly to her friend that all would be well; however even she knew that this would be the first of many nights that Amara spent alone here.

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