❀ second try ❀

You turn on your heel and walk to the door.

"Maybe he's eating," you mumble to yourself, "Hunk said he just made some lunch." You walk into the kitchen and see Hunk at the counter, feeding Platt. The other mice are lined up behind him, waiting to be fed. "Hey Hunk!" You smile at him and wave.

"Oh, hey Y/n!" He smiles back. "Did you get lunch? I can make you a plate."

You shake your head. "That's okay. Is Matt at the table?"

Hunk nods and gives another spoonful of food to Chulatt. "Yeah, but he's talking to some of the rebel commanders."

"Oh, okay." Regardless, you peek your head through the door.

True to Hunk's word, Matt is sitting at the table. A screen is projected in front of him, showing the other commanders.

He turns at the sound of the door opening and gives you a smile before turning back to the screen. It seems that now's not a good time either.

You sigh and walk out.

❀ third try ❀

You sigh and walk into the hallway.

Matt's door isn't too far from yours and you hold up your hand to knock on it, but a voice stops you.

"Okay, go." Allura's muffled voice comes through the door.

You hear Matt sigh. "We've only known each other for a few months, but you're brilliant and beautiful, and you always amaze me. I really like you and I hope we could..."

His voice fades out as you walk away.

You sigh to yourself. "I guess I'm too late."

❀ intervention ❀

Lance sighs to himself. "I guess I'm too late."

He watches you sleep on the couch, holding your pillow in a death grip. Your hair is tangled and messy over your face as you claw one of the couch cushions, tearing the fabric.

He shivers before walking out of the room. Even when you're asleep you scare him.

Lance arrives at his destination and bangs his fist against the door. "MATT YOU SCUMBAG OPEN UP!"

The door slides open to reveal Matt leaning against the wall on his elbow. "What's up, my beloved bi bro?"

"I thought you were going to confess to Y/n today!" Lance yells.

The rebel commander turns his head to the side. "Yeah. I am. Why?"

"She just destroyed the couch in her sleep and her metal claw things are out! What'd you do to upset her? You know she's been extremely worried about confessing since you've been hanging around Allura so much." Lance sighs.

Matt throws his hands up. "Allura's been helping me get ready!"

"By the way..." the blue paladin muses. "She came by again last night, I think. Were you asleep? Or maybe you were watching something and she thought you blatantly ignored her?"

"No, last night I was... I was," Matt curses. "Oh god, I've gotta find her."

❀ conclusion ❀

"You know, you've always been special to me." Matt smiles at the sky.

You turn to look at him. "You don't act like it anymore."

"That doesn't make it any less true."

You grind your teeth together. "Maybe not to you."

"I love you, Y/n."

Your mouth falls open. "What?"

"As a friend of course."

Your eyes are still wide, no words on your tongue.

"What else would we be, Y/n?"

"C'mon, Y/n, I know you can hear me."

"We could be more," you spit bitterly and stand up.

"Don't be like that, Y/n."

You start to walk away, jaw and fists clenched.

"C'mon, Y/n!"


"Y/n, wake up!"

You blink your eyes open to see Matt leaning over you, your noses almost touching.

For a second nothing happens, both of you silent. Then Matt smiles. "You're awake! Great! Sit up, sit up!"

"W-What?" You're confused, but you push yourself into a sitting position, noting the fluff coming out of the cushion underneath your hand.

He sits next to you, holding your hands. "I meant to tell you a while before, but I... get nervous with these things so, uh, here goes." He breathes in. "You're really smart and beautiful, and you always amaze me with the things you do. I have only known you for a few months, but you always make smile and you're very sweet and cool. I love you." Matt smiles at you nervously.

"W-What?" You repeat yourself, your brain barely processing what he said.

He leans closer to you.




"Sopleasedon'tslapmeafterthissinceIthinkyoufeelthesameway, but-" He leans forward and presses his lips against yours. After a moment he pulls away. "...Please don't slap me."

"You..." You stare at him in a daze. "You have very soft lips."

He smirks. "Thanks."

Me, thinking about adding more detailed kisses in the future:

list of oneshots (there will be 14 after this so I gotta prepare more):

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list of oneshots (there will be 14 after this so I gotta prepare more):

comment on the lines please!

Keith: assassin reader (A) or rescue victim reader (B) during a confession (C) or a bad-a$$ fight scene (D)

Lance: moral support reader (E) or angry, violent reader (F) during a Langst breakdown scene (G) or a near death scenario (H)

Pidge: a cyborg with almost unlimited knowledge reader (I) or an artistic reader who makes decorations and stuff (J) during a planning session (K) or a soft down time piece for fluffy goodness (L)

Hunk: a disaster in the kitchen reader (M) or an amazing pastry chef (N) during a baking pseudo-competition (O) or an explosive fight (P)

Acxa: galra general reader (Q) or a rebellious captive reader (R) during an escape scene (S) or an interrupted torture (T)

Romelle: explosives expert reader (U) or an animal-communicating reader (V) during time at the castle (W) or Romelle nearly dies but you save her drama (X)

I know a lot more characters come in in season 7 so I'm only putting these six for now

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