The Party

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Tonight is the night where the coworkers are celebrating the company for breaking another record this year. The entire bar was filled with laughter and drunk people as well. "Another milestone." Yoongi said with a smile as he downed another shot of whisky.

The night arises and the people start leaving the bar. Yoongi stayed till the last coworker left, as the CEO he kept his responsibility as so and made sure everyone got home safely. He sobered up a bit, still feeling slightly intoxicated he asked the bartender for a glass of water.

Jungkook, the bartender turned around and looked at Yoongi. "Are you seriously ordering a water? Why not something to end the night?" He winked and smiled at Yoongi.

Yoongi scoffed and smirked. "I may have a high tolerance but I still need to be able to drive home you know. I'll just stick with the water thank you." Yoongi said and turned away facing the stage where a girl was singing a song.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned around to get Yoongi his water. "Here" He said with a sound of sass in his voice as he sat it down where Yoongi couldn't get it without standing up.

Yoongi cocked his eyebrows at the sassy bartender and glared at his back before standing up and getting his drink. He didn't bother sitting down again and took small sips of his water, he wasn't in a rush and he waited till the alcohol settled down in his system so he could drive back home.

"I'd punch you in the face if you weren't so handsome" He mumbled to himself feeling a little annoyed by Yoongi. "I hate your guts and I just met you..." He mumbled and rolled his eyes trying to shake it off.

"You know I'm standing right here, right? I can hear you. And I only refused to drink another shot of alcohol, how's that reason enough to hate me? I haven't even offended you one bit." Yoongi asked slightly confused as well as irritated.

"I- sorry..." He sighed knowing he couldn't talk rudely to people while on his shift. "Wait, did you hear all of it?" He asked thinking about when he called Yoongi handsome.

"Yes I did~" Yoongi winked this time with a smirk on his face. "Still, I'm curious, what makes you hate me so much?" Yoongi asked resting his head on the back of his hand as he faces the bartender.

"When you looked at me earlier when I sat your drink made me feel a little salty, and don't ever wink or smirk at me again" He blushed lightly but put his hands over his face to hide his smile. "And turn back around I can't look at your face without feeling nervous..."

Yoongi's smile grew as he took that chance to look at the bartender thoroughly. "Why would I look away if what I'm interested in is right in front of me. Tell me, would you look away from a beautiful sight?" Yoongi asked observing the bartender in front of him.

Jungkook went wide eyed and looked the other way trying not to scream. He soon collected himself and turned back to Yoongi. His face was still red as a tomato but he tried to ignore it. "I-stop flirting!" He hit his head down on the bar counter.

Yoongi enjoyed teasing the male in front of him and used his index finger to lift his head so he was facing him.
"What's your name? I'm Yoongi, Min Yoongi. CEO of Min Corporation."

Jungkook made eye contact with him. "I'm Jungkook and I hate your guts" His face turned angry but it looked like more of a pout. "Now stop teasing me. My shift is over so I should be going home" He smacked Yoongi's hand away, clearly annoyed. He stood up and began to grab his things when he heard the males voice again which sent a pleasant shiver down his spine for some reason.

"Mhm, as do I." Yoongi gulped down the rest of his water and walked off. "I guess I'll be seeing you around kookie." Yoongi winked at the end and left smiling at the new nickname he thought of for the bartender.

"Don't you dare call me that!" He yelled as he grabbed his bag, locked the door and left smiling ear to ear."Kookie...." He repeated that name over and over blushing the whole way he drives home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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