Meeting yuki uchihmaki

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Yuki pov:
Hey my name Yuki uchihmaki and I'm going to tell you my story on how I became the daughter of sasuke uchiha and naruto uzumaki

3 year early -

Naruto walks over to sasuke and hand him a present *

Sasuke - what this dope

Naruto - just opens it teme and you will see

( sasuke opens the present and see a positive pregnancy test and he look at naruto who has his hand on his stomach )

Sasuke - really were having a baby

Naruto *yes my love were having a baby

Sasuke *im going to be a dad

( sasuke hugs naruto as tear run down his face and naruto hugs back )

Sasuke *my dream is coming true

( ad the two were about to kiss sakura bust throw their door and push naruto out of the way )

Sakura* sasuke kun

Sasuke *sakura get out you hurt my pregnant love *he helps naruto up

Naru* thanks you * smiles

Sakura * how could you naruto you lose you stole my love from me you de

( before she could finshes someone slapped her hard across the face when she looks to see who it was she shocked it was sasuke )

Sasuke * get out you bitch

( sakura runs away crying but she will be back to get her sasuke as sasuke help naruto to bed to rest and he climes into bed with him and smiles placing a hand in his belly )

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