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"She isn't just hot. She's the fucking sun."

Scott didn't know if swearing at an all-ages poetry slam at the library was a good idea, but the guy currently holding the microphone seemed to think so.

Black plastic chairs had been set up in front of a makeshift stage by Scott and Andy, one of his coworkers, and they were nearly filled up with people. Too antsy to sit and enjoy these self-proclaimed poets make fools of themselves, Scott was hovering at the back of the room where he could still watch, but not be in the way.

Andy was nowhere to be found and Scott preferred it that way. His coworker was alright, but he got snappy too often for Scott's liking, just because Scott had a hard time being "normal" like other people. Andy said he was too loud and always asked how many energy drinks Scott had had. The answer was always none. Scott hated energy drinks.

The audience started clapping and Scott blinked, realizing he'd missed the whole poem, and that a tall stranger was walking towards him.

Scott's hand flexed uselessly at his side, fingers curling and uncurling, stretching out. It was a nervous tick of his that nobody ever seemed to pick up on.

"Whatcha doin' back here by yourself?" The man's voice was gruff and he smelled distinctly like smoke. If he wasn't feeling so restless, Scott definitely would have had a snarky comment about the stench, but his eyes flittered across the man's lined face and locked on the dark eyes staring hungrily at him.

"Watching," Scott said. "Listening."

Maybe short answers would drive him away, Scott thought. That seemed to work on most people, but when the corner of the man's mouth turned up, Scott knew it didn't work.

"It's a shit show," the man snorted, looking over his shoulder for a minute as a lady took the stage and started reading monotonously off the paper in her hand.

Scott shrugged. His thoughts were whirring, trying to find an escape. He didn't like to talk to people when he felt like this. Overwhelmed.

"Whaddya say we get outta here." A smirk had formed on the man's face and he leaned forward, bathing Scott in his rank breath.

"I have to stay," Scott said. He knew he was shaking, even if nobody else noticed. "I'm an employee."

A sweaty hand wrapped around Scott's arm, grip too tight. "I don't think anyone would mind if you took a little break."

Just when Scott was about to break, to scream for help, a smaller hand was tugging the man's hand away from Scott.

"Hey asshole," a voice said. "Stop bothering my boyfriend."

Boyfriend? Scott couldn't figure out what was going on anymore, but he knew he didn't have a boyfriend. The lights were dim and his eyes were watering. He could faintly make out the shape of a shorter person in front of him, between Scott and the man.

"Right," said the man with a roll of his eyes. "Didn't know he was taken."

The man scanned over Scott's body with hungry eyes one last time before walking away. As his broad shoulders faded into the crowd, Scott's mind snapped back into focus. He was still frazzled but he'd be okay.

"Are you okay?"

Scott finally saw his saviour and smiled. Yes, he was.


New short story :)

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