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We were absolutely the joke of the entire camp. A woman and the world's smallest man. Everyone, including us was less than thrilled.

Steve and I had beds in corner, which was fine. The bullshit already began as I was setting up and I heard whistling. I turned around, sighing deeply. A man was obviously sent over by his friends, who were snickering a few beds away.

" Tell me, sweetheart, what is a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?"

" Fighting, like everyone else." I smiled sweetly, " My name is Marilyn, not sweetheart."

Steve was glaring at him like he was gonna rip his head off, but I shot him a look so he knew to back off. " Well. Marilyn, I'm Richie, Richie Anthony. I'm from Queens."

" I'm Marilyn and I'm from, I'm taken."

He snatched a picture off the small table next to my bed, " By who. Wait, is this Barnes? Barnes that just went off to a death mission? You're with this pouty son of a bitch?"

" Yeah. I am." Lies, " So lets get that picture back, and walk away, huh Richie?"

" But I'm having so much fun." He smiled, " You're so pretty, and I think you're getting angry, which is even prettier. It's a shame you aren't wearing a skirt."

" Back off." Steve snapped.

" Or what, pipsqueak?"

I sighed, " Steve, shut up. Alright, Richie. Here's what's happening. I'm here for government business with my brother. I'm here to work, and I'd rather not get in a fight with some greasy asshole from Queens with a big nose," I grabbed my picture of Bucky, " So walk away. Because I have full authority to break a few teeth if you touch me or my brother."

He seemed taken aback by my words, but scowled, " You have no right to talk to me that way, oh boy if I was at home and you were-"

" If I was what?" I said, " Your girl? What would you do, hit me? See Richie, that's the difference. You can be big and strong, but with that attitude, you're the weakest man I know. You're double the size of my brother and less than half the man he is. So go ahead, hit me."

" That is enough, Anthony."

Colonel Phillips was intimidating to say the least. He was even more intimidating with his hand on the back of a scared soldiers neck. " Have anything else to say to the girl?"

Richie shook his head, rushing back to his bed. Phillips looked at me, " You're fine, I assume?"

I nodded, " Yes, sir."

" Good, now," He turned to the rest of the room, " Boys, this is Marilyn and Steven Rodgers. They, as of now, are here on government notice. I don't like it any better than you. I don't like a 90 pound wimp and a woman on my base, but I'm letting it slide. Right now, Howard Stark is paying a lot of money to us, and Marilyn and Steve are the ones that will be receiving treatments because of that money. You can call names, I don't care. But if any of you lay one of your grubby fingers on this girl or try and rough up this boy, you're going home with some new injuries. Understood."

" Yes, sir!" Everyone in the room said.

Phillips smiled, " Good, I'll see you all tomorrow for training. Sweet dreams, gals."

The room felt heavy. Steve sent a glare to the room, and turned to me, holding my hands, " Are you okay?"

I nodded, " I'm okay, Stevie. I've had my fair share of scumbags."

He kissed my hands, " Good, good. I know I don't do much-"

" Stop it." I demanded, " You're the toughest guy in the room, and you're my favorite guy in the world. We're both out of shape, but let's be sure to stick together tomorrow. Okay?"

Steve nodded, " Yes, ma'am."

" You're a jerk ." I grinned.

" Indeed, I am."


Running sucked. Everything sucked, actually. I wasn't skinny, at all. But I wasn't big. But man, did I hate running. Steve was even worse than me. At least I can keep a pace, he couldn't. His asthma was horrid. " Stevie." I stopped as the rest of the men stopped, " Steve, breath."

" I'm fine, jeez." He panted.

" Ladies, you see that flag?" The drill sergeant shouted, " No one has taken it down since we put it up. Whoever can get it down, rides back with Agent Carter. And this is the halfway point."

Agent Peggy Carter was gorgeous. Loose curls of brown hair, big eyes, perfect lips always coated in red lipstick. The men on camp were obsessed with her. She worked for Erskine and Phillips, came all the way from England to help train the soldiers. She was very kind to my brother, and highly respected me.

Men were trying to scramble up the pole like squirrels. They kept sliding down and falling. I stayed back with Steve, making sure he did his breathing exercises right. What can I say? After my mom died, I was the only person besides Bucky making sure he didn't die.

" Hey Marilyn!" A boy yelled, " Why don't you try and climb up? I'm sure before all of this running, me and the boys would love a show!"

I grabbed Steve by the collar of his shirt before he tried to slug the guy. They kept hooting, " You may not be a solider but man are you nice to look at, especially from the back!"

" Why don't you go blow each other." I snapped back.

I expected to get screamed at, but Agent Carter smiled, " Marilyn, lovely. You come ride back with me, okay?"

" Want me to stay?" I asked Steve.

He shook his head, already walking towards the pole, " I'll just come with you."

He walked to the pole, knelt down, and pulled the bolts out of the bottom. We all just as the pole slammed on the ground, and Steve picked up the flag. He handed it to the drill sergeant, and pulled me into the jeep with him. " You're skinny, but you're smart." The driver said.

" We are related." I punched him in the shoulder.

" Who's the older twin?" Peggy smiled.

Steve smiled smugly, " Me."

" By like 5 minutes." I groaned.

" 10."

Peggy laughed, " You two have a lot of love for each other, I can tell."

" She's all I've got." Steve said, " Besides a friend or two back home."

" I hope he takes his little sister dancing like a good big brother should."

He shrugged, " We go sometimes. She's got two left feet."

" Says the asthmatic."

Peggy was still smiling, " I can tell you two are The Terror Twins of Brooklyn. Quite funny, may I say."

Yeah, we were hysterical. I have a feeling today was an easy day for us. The only easy day.

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