➖chapter eighteen➖

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"You don't seem like the pessimist type," Shane replies as he comes over.

Davina glances at him before rolling her eyes. "Oh, I was hoping you were...anybody else."

"Funny. Can I ask why you hate me so much?"

"Can you give me a reason not to hate you? Look, main thing is, I don't trust you, plain and simple. There's something off about you," she muses.

"I could say the same about you. You're a one-thousand year old witch who came back into the world a couple months ago. And what are you doing? Helping a young vampire and her brother so that they can finally achieve a speck of happiness. Though, it looks like you're not receiving any yourself."

Davina scoffs and shakes her head. "Do you think I have evil intentions? Because if you do, you're sorely mistaken. I had no one. No one when I got out of that box. I thought the closest people to my family were dead. I ended up stumbling into a bar and met that young girl in there. She was kind to me, and so was Bonnie. We became close, and I'm happy to call them both my friends. You think I'm not happy, but believe me, you do not want to relive my worst days." With that, Davina simply ends the conversation by walking back inside.


Davina sits next to Elena on the couch after being told that Shane had already been to where the cure was located.

"Marvelous. Just when I thought he couldn't get any shadier," Davina comments, making Elena nod.

"Preach," Damon remarks when him and Shane enter the room. Shane takes a rock that he had and unwraps the cloth. "Wow, it's a rock."

"Not just any rock," Shane murmurs.

"Hm, so is this that silly wives tale that you told at the occult exhibit?" Damon walks over to the bar behind the couch and grabs some alcohol.

"Right, long story short, once upon a time, there was a witch named Silas who loved a girl-"

"Hit me up, Damon," Davina interrupts and goes over to the bar. She takes the glass of bourbon from his hand and sips it.

"Anyways, I was saying," Shane continues. "Silas loved the girl and wanted to be with her forever, so he and his best friend, another witch, made an immortality spell. His best friend got jealous and then killed Silas' girl before he had the chance to make her immortal. Well, cursed to an eternity without his one true love, Silas finds a way to reverse the immortality spell, but before he can take it, his ex-best-friend buries him underground, leaving him and the cure to rot."

"So, it's a cure for immortality?"

"Human blood is the life force for an immortal. No more immortality, no more need to feed on human blood. You dig up Silas, you've got your cure."

Davina scoffs before throwing her almost-empty glass of bourbon into the fireplace, causing it to flare up. "Don't forget the most important piece of information. He could kill us all." She stalks out of the room, very much pissed off at Shane. Her hate for the legend of Silas was monumental, and she just found out that the cure was buried with him. The cure that everyone was looking for.


"Caroline, I'm trying my hardest not to implode at the moment, so I hope you're calling about some good news," Davina says while standing on the deck once again.

"Depends on your definition of good. I know that daggers don't work on Klaus, but what if we put his essence in Rebekah? It'll work, right? Say it'll work."

"Woah, hold up. What the hell are you talking about?"

"Just, come on, Davina, will it work?"

"I don't see why not," she tells her slowly. "Do you mind telling me-"

"Uh, Davina Claire, I love you!"

"Nice to know. Do you need help with something? I've been wanting to ditch this cabin all day. P.S., Elena is also here and she's with Damon."

"What?! Have you called Stefan?"

"No, she asked me not to," Davina sighs.

"You know what, I can't deal with this right now," Caroline exclaims before hanging up. Davina stares at her phone for a minute before shrugging. She goes back inside the house when she sees Jeremy and Bonnie approach Elena.

"Elena," Jeremy nods. He currently has a stake in his hand when Damon comes up to him. "It's okay. I think we've got this."

"Elena, don't move, okay? No matter what," Bonnie tells her.

"Jeremy, remember the detour. Choose the right path," Shane reminds him.

Jeremy starts towards Elena, but Damon intercepts him. He holds out his hand, causing Jeremy to place the stake in it. He then walks over to Elena and stands in front of her before the two embrace, smiling.


Jeremy, Bonnie, Elena, and Davina are looking through the old Christmas decorations. Jeremy pulls out a strand of mistletoe, making Elena chuckle.

"Hey, check this out."

"Jenna used that to make out with Logan Fell," Elena explains. She takes the mistletoe with her to the porch, confusing Bonnie.

"What is up with her and Damon? I mean, I get they slept together, but what the hell are they doing now?"

"Very good question, Bonnie. We may never know," Davina replies. She looks inside the box and sees what looks to be a very old string of popcorn. "Oh, wow. This looks really...old."

Jeremy laughs and takes it from her. "Elena and I made this years ago. We wanted to put it on the Christmas tree, but Jenna saw that we kept eating off of it, so she put it in the box."

"Please tell me that you're going to throw it away," Bonnie states, also looking disgusted.

"No way! These are memories," Jeremy replies as he looks at the popcorn string fondly.

"Maybe we could get you some rotten cheese to go with that stale popcorn," Davina grins before elbowing Jeremy. The three of them chuckle and continue to shuffle through the miscellaneous decorations.


Davina gets in the car, along with Bonnie and Elena. Damon had finally invoked the sire bond, so she was basically leaving against her will. Jeremy and Damon would be staying to train.

"So, ladies," Davina prompts as she rests her elbows on the back of the two front seats. "Who's ready for some Christmas-carpool karaoke?"

Bonnie laughs and immediately turns on the radio. "Oh, you're so on. Elena used to hit me when I sang too loudly in her car."

"Elena, get with the program," Davina tsks. "Come on, start singing. Have yourself a merry little Christmas..."

"Let your heart be light," Bonnie continues on.

"From now on, your troubles will be out of sight," Elena sings, relenting.

"Have yourself a merry little Christmas," the three chorus and continue singing in the car.

T i m e l e s s {book one}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang