Chapter 4: school days and families ways

Start from the beginning

"Morning Chloe" my aunt said smiling at me. She was putting pancakes into plates, and shay was taking the plates and putting them on the table.

"Good morning Chloe" Garrett said, not looking up from his files. I sat down at the table and started to eat breakfast. My hand was shaking a bit. Great. I was already nervous for today. Colton walked down the stairs, rubbing his eyes. His hair was in his face, but he did look better than he had the past two days.

"Chloe?" shay said once I was done eating "can you braid my hair?"

I smiled and nodded, grabbing the brush from her small fingers. She pulled her headband out of her blond hair. I taught myself to braid by braiding the only dolls hair that I had. I was so proud when I learned I ran to show my father, only to have him yell at me for being immature and he threw the doll in the garbage and sent me to bed without dinner. I was only seven at the time.

I carefully brushed her hair back and began to braid. Her hair was so silky and soft. I got to the bottom of her hair and secured it with a hair tie, then put her headband back on top of her head.

"Thanks!" shay smiled. I smiled back at her.

"Oh!" my aunt said "picture time!"

"Do we have to?" I looked and saw Keegan walk into the kitchen "we take one every year"

"But this is the only year we're going to have one with Chloe" she reminded him.

We all grabbed our bags and walked out to the front poach. I stood beside Shay, holding her hand, and smiled at the camera. This is what normal families do. They take stupid photos on the first day of school. But this year, I had a family to do it with.

"Smile!" my aunt said to us. I smiled as the flash of the camera blinded me.

"Alright kids" my uncle said "have a good day!"

We all thanked him and Susan, Colton, and Shay piled into the van. Keegan told me that Eli was coming to pick us up and bring us to school, so we didn't have to take the long way to drop off Colton and Shay at their elementary school.

Eli pulled up and we hoped into the car, only this time, Keegan sat in the front and I sat alone in the backseat.

"Big day today Chloe!" Eli said to me as he pulled out of the driveway. "Excited?"

"Not really" I told him. My hands still hadn't stopped shaking since this morning. I kept fidgeting with my shirt and my hair, hoping I was going to make a good first impression to the kids at Westmount. Keegan turned around from the front seat and smiled at me.

"Don't freak out Chloe" he told me.

Eli pulled into the school and parked in the area designated for students. I slowly got out of the car and looked up at the large red building. This school was much bigger than my last school, probably double the size. I gulped and followed Keegan inside.

"What homeroom are you in?" Eli asked me. I looked down at the schedule that was in my hands.

"12F" I told him. He looked down on his sheet. "Dang. I'm in 12K"

I sighed and looked back at my schedule "Eli" I said slowly "where's room 208?"

"Here I'll show you" he took my hand and I followed him up the stairs of the school. We passed by many rooms and finally got to 208.

"What's your next class?" he asked me. I looked down at my sheet.

"Biology" I told him. A smile grew across his face. "Me too. Look, my homeroom is right down the hall so I'll come get you after and we can go to bio together"

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