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hey! welcome to this fancy re-write.



"Say it to my face, cunt!"

"Do you want me to kick your ass, bitch?!"

He ignored the yells and the hoarse cries of "fight, fight, fight, fight," from the crowd surrounding the two students about to brawl, walking past them without glancing over. He allowed himself a small smirk.

This shouldn't take long.

3... 2... 1... And...


The boy didn't even blink as teachers pushed past him and other students to stop the oncoming fight.

Entering the double doors, he found himself dragging his ratty converse along the floor of the hallway leading to his fourth period, the herd of students naturally splitting apart away from him. It wasn't distracting, and he preferred the quiet walks without forcing himself to talk to others.

However, on this Tuesday, something a little different happened. While looking down, watching the way his shoe laces flopped, he felt a shoulder smack against his. He looked to the side, and had to glance up further, the person was about a head taller than him. It was a guy, with cropped short blond hair and glasses.

He looked like a person that should have definitely avoided him.

The guy paused, and was staring at the smaller teen, causing him also to halt, confused. He couldn't see his eyes because his glasses were reflecting, but he guessed he was studying him.

"What?" he snapped.

The guy's mouth frowned a little, before he managed a small smile at the glowering teen. "You have something... Right here." He tapped the left side of his chin, and then continued walking. Scowling, the boy continued walking, making a different path leading to the bathroom.

Thank-fully, the graffitied bathroom was empty. He leaned in close to the mirror, inspecting his face. His raven black hair stuck in almost all angles, ending about half-way down his neck. His eyes were narrowed, and he allowed himself to relax his expression. Bags lined under his eyes, as well as long faded freckles.

Finally he looked down to the left of his mouth, he had a bit of acne, but not that much to comment on it, but what he found shouldn't have made him feel so embarrassed, his already extremely pale skin shouldn't have gotten paler, when he found tiny white lines going down from his lip down his chin.


He quickly wet his hands with water and wiped his chin clean, getting a few drops onto his skinny jeans.

Finally, after a lot of checking, he resumed his expression to his normal don't-talk-to-me state, and walked with a bit more energy so he wouldn't be late for class. At last, he walked into the tiny classroom, the overwhelming aroma of air-freshener filled his nose, making his eyes water slightly.

Mrs. Lalonde, the Mythology teacher was in the back of the classrooms, slumped in a chair. She looked more like a student than a teacher, in the boy's opinion. The dark haired boy sat by himself, but that wasn't really unnatural, most people managed to get a seat to themselves in here, about ten desks in all, with about six filled with two people.

The rest sat alone.

However, today, he noted that there were three new people in the classroom when he sat down, who were handing papers to Mrs. Lalonde, before turning around and examining the empty desks.

Thankfully, no one sat next to him.

At last, the bell sounded, and Mrs. Lalonde stood.

She went on about schedule changes and new students, the cause of the new arrivals. "Now," she said in her well-mannered tone, "Because of the new students, I want to begin by us going around the room and introducing ourselves and give a fact about yourself. It helps you all know each other better, and it helps me remember your names." Her eyes crinkled as she smiled.

His thoughts were halted as the heavy classroom door was creaked open, and a guy with blond hair peeked his head in the door. It was the guy who bumped into him. He entered the classroom sheepishly.

He must know that pretty much everyone is watching him.

"And who might you be?" Mrs. Lalonde's voice questioned him, causing his ears to redden.

"I'm," for some reason the boy had a difficult time picking up his name, his voice was low and also considering that the dark teen as in the very back. "I transferred here, and I got lost on my way here."

Mrs. Lalonde looked at the check-book that was in her hand, and nodded. "Sit down," she said. He cringed as the blond guy directed his eyes to the staring students, finding the seat beside the glowering teen was the only one open, and quickly made his way over.

What? Seriously, this guy was already getting on his nerves, why couldn't someone else had sat by him, or Mrs. Lalonde had more desks? He sat by him, the chair scraping the floor loudly. "Now," Mrs. Lalonde continued. "Continue."

She pointed to a student in the first row, and they stood quickly and spoke, "My name is Hazel Levesque and I like... Vintage?" She offered. Mrs. Lalonde nodded approvingly, and pointed to the student beside her.

Suddenly he felt a breath ghosting over his arms as the blond guy whispered, "What are we doing?" The dark boy automatically tensed up at his presence, and didn't look at him as he explained.

By now, Mrs. Lalonde had gotten about half-way to the classroom, and was now listening to a guy named Charles-Whatsit and he liked machinery. "Thanks," came from the figure beside him.

The boy did not reply, just waited, dreading his turn to speak. At last, after a girl named Aradia, it was the blond guys turn, did he look up.

Fuck, this guy was huge.

Sitting next to him, he must have looked like an anorexic and unathletic kid. "My name is Jason Grace and I like airworks." As Jason began to sit down, the boy finally caught a glimpse of his eyes, which were extremely blue.

For a moment, it felt like Jason's eyes had frozen him, before he snapped out of it when he realized it was his turn.

He stood awkwardly, feeling everyone's eyes on him, including Jason's. "My..." His voice was quiet and Mrs. Lalonde politely asked him to speak up.

Unwillingly, the boy raised his voice. "My name's Nico di Angelo and I like..." He panicked for a second, he hadn't thought of that. "Art." He finished awkwardly.

As Mrs. Lalonde returned to the board, began to speak. "Now, guys, I hope you guys like your partners, because from now to the end of the semester, you're going to be working together."

Nico felt his blood run cold as both he and Jason glanced at each other, shocked.

Oh, fuck.

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