Holden closed his eyes in annoyance though Damon had some logic. "And what would you have had me do, Damon?" Alaric asked angrily. "Ask you to compel Jo to stay put?"

Damon nodded as Alaric glared at him incredulously. "Listen, if Kai has Jo, we have no time to fight each other," Holden told them seriously so Alaric turned to him with a nod. "We need a plan."

"Plan's easy. Find Kai, ffft, kill Kai," Damon shrugged and then he took his phone out.

"Who are you calling?" Izzie questioned him as she sat down on the couch. Holden glanced at Izzie to notice something off about her. Just from her movements she looked like she was hiding something.

Damon didn't answer as Matt answered the call. "Okay, I'll be quick. Have you seen someone like a sociopathic Ryan Reynolds?"

Elena looked at Holden and Izzie in annoyance as Matt answered them through the phone. "Haven't seen him."

"Grunge vibe, annoying as hell," Damon added getting annoyed that Matt didn't know who he was talking about.

"Still no idea."

Damon groaned before glancing at Alaric, who looked impatient. "Well, if he has half a brain, he will be hiding where vampires can't find him. So in between levels of Mario Kart, can you and little baby Gilbert maybe keep an eye out?"

"Yeah, got it. If we see him, we'll let you know," Matt then hung as Damon turned to the other people.

"Well, Bevis and Butthead are on the lookout. Anyone else brimming with confidence?" Damon asked sarcastically as Izzie then stood up from her seat.

"Maybe I could go to Mystic Falls and look for Kai?" Izzie suggested causing Holden and Damon shake their heads quickly. "Are you two serious? It's Jo we are talking about and god knows how many more people? I can be helpful..."

"How helpful will you be when he kills you?" Holden asked her dully as Izzie rolled her eyes expressively before she looked at Damon, who only smirked bitterly, agreeing with Holden.


"It's okay, Izzie. They're right," Alaric sighed as Izzie looked clearly unpleased that they still couldn't trust her with something like that. "I mean, this just doesn't make sense."

"What could possibly not make sense about magical twins absorbing into one another?" Damon questioned his best friend. Elena walked over to Holden as she folded her arms with a worried face.

"Listen. Jo needs her magic for the merge to work, ok, and she got rid of that back in 1994," Alaric explained seriously.

"Jo doesn't have magic because it's stuffed in a knife that was stolen and hidden by yours truly," Damon pointed to himself. "Kai won't find it."

Holden furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah, unless Kai does a locator spell," Alaric commented as Damon glared at him because he wasn't helping the situation.

"First of all, you know it's impossible."

"Why?" Ric questioned them curiously.

Elena glanced at him uneasily. "Kai was born without the ability to do magic."

"And if that knife is the only way to restore Jo's magic... Kai will come for it," Holden commented. He really wished he could kill Kai but he was out of reach.

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