Chapter 54

624 13 17

Sunday July 20th

Jakes Pov

--Lately its been feeling like (y/n) and I haven't spent any quality time together

Don't get me wrong we spend time together but not alone

I decided to make today special, today's her day only hers--

I walk into the living room to find Matt and Amanda with Luna

"Hey Matt, Amanda. Would it be alright if (y/n) and I spent the day out together?" I ask

"Of course, that's fine sweetie" Amanda says

"Just be back by 5, dinner will be ready then, stay safe" Matt smiles
I look at my watch 1:00 it says

"That gives us 4 hours"

"Thanks" I smile back

I head upstairs to (y/n)s room and open the door

As I walk Im a see her placed at her desk,

"Hey (y/n)" I say coming in

"Oh hey Jake, watcha need?" She asks

"I was wondering if you would like to have some fun in town for a while" I ask nervously.

She chuckles at my nervousness

"I'd love to!" she says, giving me that all too perfect smile

"Well lets go malady" I say in a terrible British accent

"Yes indeed we shall" She says, copying my accent

I take her hand in mine and we walk downstairs.

Before leaving we say goodbye to Matt and Manda and head out the door

"So what exactly are we doing today" She asks with a suspicious voice

"That's fir me to know and you to find out" I tease

"Oof" She says, laughing after

"That laugh though"

We walk down the streets in silence

It wasn't a awkward silence though, it was a rather peaceful one

I then realize we are reaching out first destination

"Here put this on" I say to (Y/n)

"You want me to put a blindfold on?" She laughs

"Trust me" I half smile

"Okay?" She says, still unsure

Regardless she takes the blindfold and wraps it around her eyes

I take her hand in mine once more and carefully lead her to the building

During the time that we have been together, dating and even before that i know how much   (y/n) loves this place

"Okay take it off" I say releasing her from my grasp

She slowly takes the blindfold off and I see a big smile

"Omg Jake its been so long!' She says ecstatically


Been a while hasn't it mates,

Hope you liked it and it was like alot longer too

Also OMG were #1 in Matthais trending!!

Thank you so so much guys!!

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