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"What'd Mikey say?" I asked.

"He just watched it now and he's sorry. Then I asked why doesn't he just break up with her if he's always stressed by her and he said he wishes it was that easy." She explained.

I rolled my eyes.

What the hell can Griffin be bribing him with?

Luke 🌽: Why can't you break up with Griffin?

Luke 🌽: Ryder told me everything

Mikey 🤓: It's too much to say...

Luke 🌽: Mikey, you've been one of my best friends for four years. You can tell me anything. I know we've fought a lot quiet recently but you know the only person I'd tell is Ryder and you know she wouldn't tell anyone.

Mikey 🤓: Okay fine

Mikey 🤓: But please don't judge me

Luke 🌽: When have I ever judged you before?

Mikey 🤓: True...

Mikey 🤓: The only reason why I'm staying with her is because I love her the way you love Ryder. And every time I call her out on her actions she apologizes and says she's going to change. And I fall for it every single time because apart of me sees the girl I first fell for. Not some crazy girl who's trying to ruin the life of my best friend's girlfriend. Believe me when I say I think about walking away. I do. And it hurts. I don't want to hurt myself or her again.

Luke 🌽: I remember when you two first started dating. You guys were genuinely happy together. Then when you guys took that break, you were hurting. Life does give us second chances. But sometimes they don't work out like we want them to. Just realize that when you guys first broke up she changed and you changed.

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