Its time for death.

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Georges PoV

I woke up today , feeling really tired. Ready to go back to bed issabelle woke me up fully.

"Wake up Wake up George!" She said. I would grunt out a really expressed "what".  

"We are going to Freddy Fazbears!" she said. It was so loud it woke up alan.

(forgot to mention alan also becomes an animatonic) So i got up , and got some tea.

I drank some and of course , issabelle tried to steal it. So , i got changed and we were off

Issabelles Pov

I started up the car as george was about to fall asleep. But that got him up well.

Im not sure about those rumors but , who cares.. (yeah haha) . Well here we go... 

"lets'a go!" i let out , disturbing alan and george, even suprisingly me. We started and we were on our way!  "Why do we have to go?" George let out. I said " Because ya' know. I want to."

Alans PoV

I kinda felt like letting out crude humor but...... you know. They hate it. Instead i took out  a book and read. You know , its fun to read haha... "Soo umm are we near there yet?" I said. "no no no

we are not " Issabelle said. Well. that sucks... 

Georges PoV

Issabelle can be really exciting sometimes. Shes funny and all but today shes annoying.  I opened up a hershey and ate some. Yummy. Anyways we just got there and.... something felt strange. When i got out a cold breeze let through the air. I saw a man coming in with black clothing. Something seemed wrong about that. Too wrong. I went inside and checked out the plushies. One blue with a bow tie and black glasses. Alot were the normal band but we had some strange ones. You know.

Issabelles PoV

Well its fun today? I mean there was alot of stuff that happened. As we were about to leave , i heard a gun shot. *BAM! BAM* I screamed and the doors locked

Georges PoV

I got shot with issabelle and alan.... I started to feel a strange pain. I notice i'm bleeding. BLEEDING ALL OVER! I had no idea what to do as i faded to black to see a face of a puppet.I knew i saw the face before though! It was kinda.... strange.. How did i see it before?

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