Chapter 5"I'm in a van full of immature horny three year olds"

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                “Ok one thing Julia for as long as you knew me have I ever had a valentine’s? Second we can’t remember it, we were drunk,” Lexi said counting on her figures.

                “Uummm, never,” Ta said. “You had fuck buddy but like you called them PP but never dated except for that one guy, what was his name? Oh Joey. Who you where crushing on for like, three years.” 

                “What does PP mean?” Jason asked.

                “Pleasure peeps!” Ta and I shouted.

                “You two had those two,” Lexi screamed back.

                “Julia will you be my valentine a.k.a PP?” Luke asked, taking off his seat belt and get on one knee, if it was possible.

                “I’ll think about,” I told him smirking. On the outside I hope my body was playing cool because on the inside it was freaking out.  Luke is my kidnapper for Christ sakes! Sure he doesn’t act like it bit still he is. Ok maybe it won’t hurt to have causal sex with him but…

Flash back 

                “Game on,” Luke said, grinning. I grinned back thinking I could never fall in love with a jerk like him but I was so wrong. That day changed my life, made me see Lexi’s point in dating; there is no point in it. You get your heart tore out in the end.   

                The deal we made is to see who could make each other fall, whoever falls first is the loser. Intense right? All the kisses, hugs, late nights texts, good morning texts and dates meant nothing to him. At the beginning it meant nothing to me too but in the end it was the only thing keeping me going.

                It was a year ago on valentines he told me that he didn’t give a shit about me. That was also a week after he took my v card, than we did it in the janitor’s closet and a couple other places my mother wouldn’t have approved. I remember Lexi’s insane hamster story too.  She is a total ditz.  

                “Come on,” Luke preyed looking at me with his big blue eyes.  “No one will be around they all will be in class.”

                “I don’t know,” I said scratching my arm. I really didn’t need to get caught.

                “I love you baby,” he told me, his eyes looked like he meant so I agreed and we did it. After was the worst time of my life, it felt like my heart was getting ripped out of my chest.  His words still hunt me today.

                “I don’t love you, you’re a whore. So demanding, clingy. You don’t deserve a boyfriend, well one as good as me. You will be an old cat woman,” the words rolled off his tong smooth like sugar but hit me like a snake’s venom.

                “What?” I asked cocking on my words. My heart stopped. Dear God please make there something wrong with my hearing.

                “You heard me loud and clear, so did everyone else.” He smirks at me before walking away with Amber who is now my ex best friend, he turned around and looked me in the eyes, “I was cheating on you the whole time.”


End of flashback

                I bet that’s one of the reasons I don’t mind being kidnapped. I don’t have to see him and Amber sucking faces all day, they are in all of my classes. Luke embarrasses me all the time. One thing and the only thing I miss is my family. I love my family, ok they might be a little crazy but hey I love. I just wish I could tell them I love them one last time, my dad, my mom and my older brother who is 21 now. If you get what I mean.

My Possessive Kidnapperحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن