2 ~ Puzzle Pieces

Start from the beginning

"Welcome Marc! As you'll find out the good thing about this place is that you can say whatever you want and no one will judge you, or only in good fun-"

Nathaniel cut himself off as the green-eyed boy in front of him stared with wonder at his drawings. He stepped closer, getting a  closer look at the art piece.

Nathaniel watched curiously, yet confused as to why Marc had just walked up and stared at his drawings. Did he not like them?

"I-I saw your drawings on the school website but they're nothing compared to the real thing! The movements, the expressions, the attitudes, they're all so-" Marc began to blush, realizing he was rambling and fanboy-ing over an artwork of an individual in his grade.

"Thanks, that's nice." Nathaniel smiled genuinely. He noticed Marc's shyness, and loved the positivity he brought with him.

Marc stepped back. "S-Sorry. It's true, I've never seen drawings so fantastic like that before."

Nathaniel smiled at him again. There was a lot to this kid than just pretty eyes and a shy attitude.

"By the way Marc, you've shown up at the perfect time. Marinette told us that you're always writing and Nathaniel is looking for a script writer."

Nathaniel and Marc locked eyes for a moment, before Marc blushed in embarrassment and lifted his head up to the art professor. "Uh, me? A script writer? I don't write that kind of stuff! I mean I don't write anything interesting, honestly. Sorry. Gotta go! Thanks for everything!" Marc hurriedly said, shaking his head. His voice quavering as he ran out of the room shyly.

Nathaniel looked up in shock. He stared sadly at the door. Marc seemed nice, and adorably awkward. He wished he'd come back. Maybe they'd make good friends?

"Marc!" He heard Marinette call as he ran from room 33 into the hall way, effectively smashing his head into a green support pole

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"Marc!" He heard Marinette call as he ran from room 33 into the hall way, effectively smashing his head into a green support pole.

He felt weight leave his arms but what mattered in that moment was getting out of there.

He thundered down the stairs, rushing into the locker room, passing the fencing students taking a drink break.

He slowed down for a breather. After a few seconds, he felt for his book, only to find it wasn't there.

Quickly, he jumped up and sped to his locker.

Originally he started pushing books and junk to the side, but he ended up getting frustrated and throwing his belongings onto the locker floor. The commotion was sure to attract someone but he didn't care.

"Loooking for this?" A small voice sounded, opening him from his crazy search.

He turned to a small, petite girl, holding out a black book.

He sighed gratefully, taking the book from her hands. He hugged the book, to him it was a piece of him.

Then his eyes widened. He gasped. "Did you read it?"

"Oh no!" Marinette exclaimed, before sighing defeatedly, hunching her arms over her shoulders.

"Yeah." She admitted. "I'm sorry, it was too tempting."

Marc turned around. He was sad and embarrassed. She was sure to hate it. "Oh, how embarrassing. So, so lame!"

"No! It's not! You should turn it into a comic book! Why don't you team up with Nathaniel?"

Marc turned to face her, a soft feeling of hope lightened his eyes, before slowly turning to embarrassment at her suggestion.

"I'm sure he won't like it." He cut in quickly, still hugging his book tightly to his chest. His fingers slightly graced the cover.

"You should have him read it before you jump to conclusions." She smiled.

"But what if he doesn't like it? I'd be so embarrassed! I'd have to change schools so I never run into him again!" He exaggerated, throwing a gloved hand up into the air.

"Now you're being silly. Look, he draws superheroes all the time, and you write stories about them."

Marc slowly started to warm up, before dismissing the idea and went back to his cage of self doubt and shyness.

Marinette rested her head on his shoulder encouragingly, before she lifted it as she slightly jumped.

"Ooh! I have an idea! We'll have him read it without telling him who wrote it! If he likes it, it's a win-win. If he doesn't, we just won't say anything." She said enthusiastically, yet the last part soft.

Marc looked unsurely down at his book, before looking up at Marinette again. "You think it'll work?" He'd have to write more of the story first, he'd only scribbled his plans. But Marinette seemed so sure, and she was so supportive.

"Trust me on this."

Ink Splatters ~ Marthaniel Where stories live. Discover now