Elder Kelia

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That horrible night will always haunt me for as long as i live. Even now our lives are filled with running, my sister and I, i will admit it is exhausting but it is needed. I'm holding on to my sister tightly, we were almost to the other road. Close to the garage I had built for a extra car, I'm glad we always had a escape plan.

'Ana are you okay?'

'No. I'll be fine don't but they are getting closer'

'I know. Let's move faster.'

We started spending up our pace, we weren't too far so i opened up the garage and we jumped into the car. I was relieved the engine of this Honda came to life so easily. We made our way out of the woods to the road and began our next journey.

--next morning--



We were asleep in the car until she rolled to her side and slapped my face.

"Ouch dammit.!" I grabbed my cheek that she slapped and looked at how red it was getting.

I rolled over and saw her peak one eye open and a small giggle.

"I knew you were up you little devil!"

I yelled, then continued as she started getting up and streching. "C'mon we can go eat and shower."

She nodded as I drove to a river that had to be near by since we almost stink. "Hey Ana look there's something on the bottom by your feet"

I smiled evilly and slammed on the breaks as her head hit the dashboard. I couldn't help but laugh loudly, "you bitch that hurt!" After that we found a river and bathed for a moment.

As we were dressing I knew she was going to ask and we needed to discuss it no matter what. 'Where will we go?'

I already knew the answer of where I wanted to go and the only place i can think to go. "My mothers, for know its the safest place but we would have to move during the day and night to make it there. " I pointed north "it shouldn't take us long but we have to move carefully"

She smiles and nodded, I had her drive since during the day I never feel so good but after awhile I actually gotten quite use to it, but i still need to sleep during the day.

"Kelia, I'm hungry we're getting breakfast! Well lunch now"

I just nodded and drifted off to sleep. I try to relax so u can soon but the only thing that makes me feel any better its the darkness. Every since we were little, the darkness I loved to be in. As i slept all I could think of was seeing my mother again, would she accept me or reject before when she knew I was the darkness, born to lead the underworld as my sister was born to lead the gods in the light. Our destiny was written a long time ago I will always be dark and she will always be light.

"Kelia let's go!" I heard her scream, she can't be so grumpy when she doesn't eat my goodness.

I started chanting and her mouth closed, I sure did love that gift. I started going back to sleep until she made a bright light shone in the car. I pulled my hand up "darkness foreshadow me!" I laid my head back down after i put a dark barrier around me.

'Fine! I'm going to eat by myself!'

'Don't be a brat ana, if someone didn't slap me awake I would've been fine!'

'They have waffles!'

'....what kind?'

'Beligum with strawberry syrup'

'I'm coming!'

I got out of the car and went to go get breakfast. When I saw the waffles my sister ordered for me I couldn't help but drool a little. I didn't know I was so hungry. Although we were getting very funny looks from people, then I realized we didn't fit in so much.

"After breakfast we will started headed there but we will only have small breaks. But first we need clothes from this type of era I mean look at us ?"

We both laughed really hard, we looked very out of place. We finally finished all of our food,ana stood up and paid for the food "let's go shopping!"

We drove to the nearest stores and got sl many clothes. I changed into a black corset up and a red skirt, ana put on a baby blue tight fitting dress. It felt right, and comfortable.

We headed onto the rode and ana drove i was just watching all the people go pass until she slammed on the breaks. "Ana what the hell is going on" she was put the car and running. I followed her to some guy, she was seriously flirting with guys when we are suppose to be leaving

Sigh. Only my sister.

I waited a few minutes before i decided to go get her.

"Okay ana time to go!"

She looked at me with innocence, " but I'm having fun look how weird they act" she lifted winked at one of them and they blushed. She could be such a flirt but why not join in on the fun.

This tall brown hair guy was sitting off to the corner quietly, we met eyes and he blushed, "hi there" I spoke softly

"Hello I'm caden"

"I'm Kelia." I winked at me as he grew closer.

He was a very tall cute guy a carmel skin tone and a sweet voice, I got a little closer to him and I saw his eyes. When I looked into his eyes I saw darkness then flashing lights of visions. I tried to blink and a little and i saw caden, he was beating someone.

I heard screams;it was me, the person he was beating on was....me. That son of a bitch, anger started to grow but i had to hide it. I snapped back and saw caden extremely close to me. "Something wrong?" He asked curious

"If course not" although I was completely nervous by the image. I know how to change it,

"look into my eyes, show me the truth, the darkness yu hide shall now be mine"

I saw what he was thinking, he was nothing but a low life thinking he will get lucky. I used the mind link me and my sister have to tell her the plan. 'They are scum. Let's get out of here?'

She nodded her head and we started to walk away making our way back to the car. Ignoring the guys and the whistles they keep doing, I sighed I love men but man can they be boys sometimes.

We go finally made it back to the car and back on the rode, we weren't very far but it was still a way to go. I was in the passagers seat, humming a song i heard not to long ago. Almost a hour later we made it to our destination, I saw the large house that my mother still had.

My mother was my shade, with long black hair and a dazingly smile. When i was young I adored her, we parked the car and headed to the door. I was so nervous and my stomach was churning with excitement, and some bit of anticipation. I knocked on the door, I waited for it to open. It seemed like it was taking quite a long time for someone to come, finally the door opened and my mother looked at me shocked.

She grabbed me into a hug and years started to stream down "I thought you were dead sweetheart! I thought they took you from me." She was still crying as i hugged and comforted her.

I looked at my sister who's compassion, seemed loving. After the tearful reunion I had with my mother, we went inside. "Mom, we need someplace to stay for awhile if that's okay."

She turned around and looked at me, "of course it is" she smiled. I never understood why my father wouldn't let me see my mother she wasn't a bad person or even cruel, she seemed some kinda hearted and nice.

I grabbed ny sisters hand and we followed behind my mother. She lead us to a room with two double beds that were white and black ironically I chose white and my sister black, it made us somewhat laugh at it. "Sweethearts dinner will be done very shortly, go ahead and rest for awhile, Okay" we nodded as she left with a smile.

I wonder how my mother knew of the incident, well its probably was big news, houses keep burning down..this has to stop

Excuse the mistakes :D

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