Beginnings (Part III)

Start from the beginning

He would definitely keep that bit to himself.

It took no time at all for Zack to finish on with his memory, and Rachel listened to all of it. She nodded in understanding, but kept her expressionless mask through everything. The serial killer could tell that she was still angry, and he was itching to know why... so he could finally make it up to her, apologize, or do whatever. But then again, patience is a virtue; and he was everything but virtuous.

After an agonizing minute of silence; Rachel finally spoke; "I see... So I assume that this isn't the complete scenario, yes?"

Zack looked up with a groan and a sigh; "God, I don't know, okay? It was all just a dream anyhows, it couldn't be accurate."

"I don't think so, I think that the first half of your dream is 100% accurate."

"... and what makes you say that?" He asked, looking twice as tired.

Rachel merely stared at their captive, and Zack understood.

"He pretty much confirmed your story... and more." The blonde muttered. "He is connected to the man from your dream, I believe they're both part of an organization."

Zack scratched his head and wondered how everything turned out this way. He couldn't remember what happened after that memory, no matter how much he tried. His head already started throbbing again, and he didn't want to resurect that god-forsaken headache. So far, the only thing he could hope to get is a brief summary of that damned night.

"Did he tell you anything else?" The killer questioned.

"Just that they were ordered to bring you back alive, somehow." Rachel answered, a frown apparent in her features; "though I ought to admit... I'm rather disappointed on your behalf."

'There it is...' zack thought, 'The thing that pissed her off.'

"Apparently, Zack, you had followed him."

Completely taken off-guard by that, Zack leaned in while furrowing his brows.

"Sorry but... what?"

Rachel leaned closer to face him as she whispered, "You followed the man, Zack, and you agreed to join his organization. That chip we found inside of you? It had been willingly inserted into your body. There never was a struggle; this whole mess is the result of your drunken self and his idiotic mistakes."

The serial killer shook his head abruptly, "no fucking way! I fought the guy, I had him pinned to the wall, he was cornered and--"

"And what? You don't remember the rest, so why do you keep insisting on something that is more likely to be complete and utter bullshit?"

Zack was mildly shocked at hearing Rachel curse, it was a first and it sounded pretty weird... not that he would hate it in another occasion (Rachel cursing was both amusing and appealing to him) but while it was truly fun and random; it also had him twice as angry.

He snorted and narrowed his eyes dangerously, "I just told ya, Ray, there's no way in hell I'd follow the man. Why do you have to be so damn suspicious about everything?!"

"I'm being suspicious because you got yourself into this shady situation; I just want to help you... protect you..."

"I don't need your damn protection! Why would I want a kid like you to protect me?!"

"Because you're too naive!" Rachel snapped, "you only do what you please without considering the consequences! If I were to let you think for yourself even once, you'll end up being taken advantage of!" She raised her hands in the air, "and here's the proof; a madman is now after you, after us."

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