Chapter 2

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It was seven o'clock and John had already left for work. Clara stood in the kitchen and was making some fried eggs for breakfast. She still felt worried about her lack of memories but had decided to for now at least let it pass and not think about it that much. Their kitchen was very small. It only contained a small table by the window with two chairs, an oven and some cupboards and a sink. Even thou the kitchen was small everything looked perfect. The plates and glasses each had their own place in the cupboards and all the food and other kitchen supplies were as well perfectly organised.

It all felt so strange and especially when Clara was alone she felt out of place. 'It's just because we moved in some days ago' she thought as she sat down and started eating her eggs. She was just about to swallow when the phone called. She stood up suprised and walked over to answer "Hello?" it was a man who was talking "Doctor? Are you there?" Clara raised both brows not knowing what to say "excuse me but I think you might have got the wrong number" she said kindly to the a bit confused man "Damit! Well sorry to bother you boy, you don't know the doctors number do you?" "Well I don't know who the doctor is but I hope you get the right number next time" she said, or well that wasn't quite true she had yesterday thought about John as the doctor for some reason. Of course he was a doctor but he didn't go around and call himself the doctor. Right?
"Have we met before?" "What?" she asked suprised "No I don't think so" though for all she knew they could be best friends and she wouldn't remember "You just sounded familiar. You don't know happen to know someone named Clara Oswald?" that was her name or well before she married John now her last name was smith but still. Maybe this man knew her and maybe he could help them sort out all this "Yeah, that's me, I'm Clara Oswald" there was a pause "but that is not possible" "why wouldn't it?" "sshh boy" it sounded like he walked away from the phone "Madam Vastra!" "Is it the doctor? Have you finally dialled the right number?" "No but this person says his name is Clara Oswald, I told them that it is impossible because Clara Oswald is dead" "Clara Oswald?" the woman sounded shocked and it was she who talked when the phone got picked up again.

"Clara?" "Yes?" Clara had hoped that maybe these people could help her figure things out. That they maybe knew her and could explain but everything had just become more complicated. She was dead? "Oh dear but this is not possible, you really are Clara Oswald?" the woman asked "yes I am, or well now it's Clara Smith but yeah I'm Clara Oswald. Can you please tell me what's going on?" the woman was quite for some time "and you don't know who I am?" the woman asked "No... should I know? I'm so sorry if I should, I have had" Clara paused looking for the right words "some memory losses lately and everything is just a blur" "what is he saying? Is he an identity thief?" the man asked from somewhere behind "shhh strax, I'm sorry Clara and there is nothing to apologise for we should be apologising for calling you so early but I have to ask if I can speak to the doctor"

"Doctor who?"

Okay so well this wasn't such a long chapter but it's very late and I really need some sleep and thought that here was a good place to end the chapter. Anyhow I should also mention that English isn't my native language I'm swede and well my English over all isn't the best so if you find any grammar mistakes or spelling errors pleas point them out so I can fix them.

Welp I hope y'all have a great day and stay awesome!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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