"She never stops huh?" Rachel spoke as she fin ished up writing a text.

"Never. But I honestly don't mind whatsoever."

"Can I ask you something, Britt?" She nodded. "Alright. This is going to sound, weird. Really weird. But I need to tell you."

The sentence made Brittany nervous. What would Rachel have to tell her? The silence was just adding to the anxiety that was building inside. Rachel opened her mouth but it was if she was hesitating. Like she was afraid to say what she wanted to.

So if you are in sight and the day is right
She's the hunter you're the fox
The gentle voice that talks to you won't talk forever
It is a night for passion
But the morning means goodbye
Beware of what is flashing in her eyes
She's going to get you

Brittany could still hear Santana singing but she knew that the song was almost over.

"It's okay, Rach. You can tell me." Rachel made sure Santana was still in the shower and then slowly started to open up.

"I've been talking to your friend, Quinn. For a while now. I messaged her on facebook one day to ask if she were alright. I knew that losing your guys friend was hard, yeah. So I was just being nice and stuff. But now? I really like her. I don't know if she likes me too but I had to tell you. Cause you're like, her bestfriend."

Quinn? She hadn't even mentioned Rachel on the phone when they were talking earlier. Maybe she wanted to keep it a secret.

"You like her?"

"Yeah. Like, I know I've never met her. But we've skyped a couple times and we talk all day. It's like the things she tells me. Here." She opened up the conversation between her and Quinn and scrolled up to a earlier message. "It's those things that people take for granted from their other half. She tells me to have a good day. To smile. Even that she misses me." Rachel locked her phone and looked back up at Brittany. "I hope that this isn't weird for you or anything."

"It isn't weird at all. As long as both of you are happy then it's fine with me." A grin appeared on Rachel's face and in seconds she was hugging Brittany.

"Eh. Rach. Get off my girl." They were both startled at the sound of Santana's voice. She came walking down the stairs with her wet hair in a messy bun, basketball shorts and one of Brittany's old softball tank tops. Even when she wasn't dressed up, Brittany found her to be the most attractive girl on the face of the earth. Santana could be covered in dirt and she still probably would've thought the dirt complemented her eyes. "Nah I'm just playing. Why are you hugging her though?"

"Oh nothing. Just had one of those exciting moments." Santana walked over to Brittany and kissed her. "I gotta go though, it's getting late. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Rachel got up from the couch and started walking to the front door. Brittany followed, so that she could lock up after she left.

"Don't tell Santana about Quinn okay? She doesn't usually approve of me talking to people and catching feelings for them if I haven't met them."

"I won't tell her. Don't worry. Drive safe okay?"

"I will. Thanks Britt." When Rachel's brake lights were out of sight, Brittany shut the door and walked back into the living room. Santana was laying down now, tapping the empty space in front of her.

"Are you riding with me to school tomorrow?" Brittany cuddled closer.

"No I'm riding my bike."

"You sure?" Brittany loved that Santana was over protective. But there were somethings that she felt she needed to chill out on. And one of those things was her bike.

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