Let's pack up!

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"So we have to move?" I asked, unsure if I really want to hear the response that follows after that. But I had to know, I had no choice. I mean it can't be that bad, I am only going to live with my grandmother miles away from my parents. With lots of cousins, a big family and oh I don't know anyone there so it can't be that bad. I thought, sarcastically.

"Yes baby, I know it won't be easy for you but trust me you will enjoy your stay at nana's house and maybe you will even get to make real friends this time".

"But mom... at least try and explain to me why we are moving, leaving this place, dad and all the memories I've built in here?" Honestly i don't want to leave, maybe there is something that can be done. No wait, what am I saying? I mean I don't even know what the problem is.

"Honey listen, your dad and I are going through a rough patch so we both decided that it's best if you stay with nana for a short while until we have figured things out (and I hope we do). Don't look so sad, we are not getting rid of you but we just need to fix a couple of things here sweetheart."

"Wait! So I am the only one that's leaving? Technically you are sending me away."

"Jess we're not sending you away, just take this as a vacation. I mean at some point you have to meet up with the rest of the family. Get to know your cousins and get used to being surrounded by people, not just in school but at home and the entire environment as well."

"Okay, now that you're putting it that way." As much as I didn't want to leave, I knew that mom was right. I've spent 15 years of my life in this house, with no-one but mom and dad. But hey, that's what you get for having parents that think it's okay to live in an isolated house in the woods. Not that I'm complaining, it was beautiful but it was just away from everything and everyone else. People lived on the other side and we lived in this large space, alone... so It did get lonely sometimes.

"We are leaving in an hour, do you have everything packed?

"Yeah mom, everything's here.

"I will miss you Jessica". She starts sobbing and hugs me tightly.

"I will miss you too mom". I said, returning the hug and letting out tears I didn't even know I was holding back until now.


"Jessica, we're leaving in five minutes!" Mom shouts from the kitchen.

"Arghhh!" I groan from my room upstairs. Not too loud for her to hear me though.

"Okay, I'll be there in a second". I said taking  all my traveling bags downstairs, contemplating if it's even worth it. I took a moment to myself. Looking at the space around me, the space I've always called home. It might not have felt like it in the past few months but it still was where I grew up. Where I went to school. It was the only place I felt as though I belonged in. But now it's gone. All of it!

A few minutes later mom calls from downstairs, interrupting me from my thoughts. "Jessica, we need to leave before midday traffic catches up with us".

"Okay". I took my bags and headed downstairs, finding my mom in her beautiful red dress which hugs her curves just right. She was beautiful, she deserved all the happiness in the world but hey life is not all that. She had puffy curly hair. An Afro , she had tired it her signature hairstyle, a bun.

"Sweetheart you are aware that we have to leave at some point, right?"
"Yeah mom, sure. Let me take my bags to the car".

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