Letter Regarding the Critical Secrecy of the Supernatural Universe

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In the words of Thomas Patrick Gorman

Regarding the critical secrecy of the Supernatural Universe

December 1, 1917

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have currently succeeded in combining the supernatural with the professional sport of ice hockey in the National Hockey League's inaugural season. This had to be implemented for the sake of this newfound league and all of its teams, players, staff, and other members. After the discovery of the supernatural, the threat of wickedness within the supernatural has been a possibility to impact the National Hockey League negatively.

Therefore, as the founder, I had to do what was best for the wellbeing of the league in order to survive. I bestowed powers according to the teams' nickname, color scheme, or logo to their best fit player in each team. These "power players," as I may call them, have the responsibility to defend the league, team, and fellow teammates, from any sort of threat that comes upon any aspect of the league.

All of this has been put into action esoterically. The public does not know it. The coaches do not know it. Not even the power players' fellow teammates know it. And I as the founder intend to keep it that way. I would have been delighted in having everyone celebrate and appreciate the supernatural, but unfortunately, the public and even our closest people are unpredictable. We do not know what their reaction would be. We do know know what they would want to do with the supernatural system. I know what I did and what I did is for the wellbeing of the league, even if not everyone perceives it as so.

That is why it is also for the wellbeing of the league to keep the power player system esoteric. And it must be kept that way for the system and the whole league itself to work efficiently and at its best.


T.P. Gorman

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