Turning To The Darkside

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Klyo Ren's POV-My name is Kylo Ren, I am the commander of the First Order and apprentice to supreme leader Snoke .The supreme leader helped turn me to the Dark side when I was just 16 I was training with Luke Skywalker the infamous Jedi master which my parents Leia and Han Solo sent me away to train with my uncle so I can join the resistance one day also to become one of the best Jedi masters in the history of the galaxy.Ben Solo is my brith name but one night after months of training and the dark voices in my head constantly bothering me I finally gave in and I went through the whole Jedi training camp and I took my then blue light saber and killed every single student in sight , I then set the place on fire and left towards my destiny the side I truly felt I was suppose to be apart of I turned to the dark side to destroy and wipe out the resistance and every last Jedi that night took my anger and hatred out on everyone and everything , yes that faithful night ben solo died and Kylo Res was created ready for the war.

That was a couple years ago me turning to the dark side now I'm on hunt for Skywalker so I can kill and destroy him once and for all , I was walking through Starkiller base to find general Hux a incompetent fool who thinks I'm just a stupid naive child in a mask but he will see the whole Sith and knights of Ren will soon see I am no child once I kill every last Jedi , kill Skywalker, and then abolish the resistance and then everyone will praise and bow to me I will have complete power over the entire galaxy ."general Hux I wanna go over the plans to find anyone who has the map or information regarding sky walkers location to be reviewed and carried through " I said to the red headed idiot "ah commander Ren its about time you decided to show up the supreme leader wishes to have a word with you before you go on any further , but I must warn you supreme leader Snoke is terribly mad at your tardiness might I suggest you stop spending all of your time talking to your grandfathers demolished helmet and more time being a proper commander than maybe things would get done around here you foolish child!" Hux smirked with such a sarcastic grin .My fists were clenched so tight , my blood boiling if I had it my way id kill him where he stands but ultimately I can not yet I need him with my plan regarding Skywalker "well general might I suggest you finish all the tasks I give you instead of running your foolish incompetent mouth?!?I am your commander you listen to me you don't ever disrespect me or question my authority unless you want me to kill you where you stand which I will do when ever I please so I advise you this one time only shut it and get to work now! do I make myself clear general?"I screamed through my mask "Finish this? Who do you think you're talking to?"Hux grumbled and with that last comment I used the force and threw him down the hall into the wall hard.I then proceeded to the supreme leaders chamber with a small smirk on my face fromI throwing Hux,the big black doors to the chamber opened to reveal the red ominous room filled with knights of Ren ready to attack any threats towards the mighty leader Snoke I kneeled in front of the leader , my head bowed ready to discuss my plans to him.

Hey guys this is the start of my new story it will contain some smutty material and violence and some curse words just advising everyone I will try and update every day if not my uploading schedule will be mondays , Fridays , Saturdays&the occasional Sundays !please vote and comment suggestions/thoughts also be sure to  share this story to your friends  thank you for reading ! :)

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