Once she got in, she sat down at a table and watched the crowd of screaming fans try to get a picture of the boys. "Insane isn't it." The waiter mentioned snapping Olivia out of her thoughts. "yeah. I was in London for one of the One Direction concerts and it was insane, but not that insane." "If you saw them in London, why are you here in Hershey." She decided to stick with her story of a family situation. "My family lives in the area and there was apparently something I need to be here for. So I came and I was trying to check into my hotel, but that was a bust." "yeah good luck with that. You might be here awhile. In the meantime can I get you anything."

Olivia ordered a coffee and a water. She just needed silence and that is what she got from this restaurant. It was like a different world from what was going on outside the hotel. A couple hours went by and Olivia was still sitting in her booth waiting to enter the hotel. She didn't know how she was going to get to get to Niall's floor or what floor he was on or what his room number was. She sat at her table thinking about how she would get in and instantly she thought of Liam. She pulled out her phone, which she hadn't done since she landed, and saw numerous texts from Addie asking if she was okay and why she left. Olivia ignored them and called Liam.

"Hello." "Hey listen to me. I need your help, but don't tell Niall." "Oh. What happened?" "Long story. I will explain later, but I am here." "In Hershey?" "yes. I found all of the screaming girls and figured that this was your hotel. I tried to go in but you were checking in. I went to the restaurant across the street and have been here ever since. I need you to help me get into the hotel and to see Niall, but you can't let him know I am here." "Okay come to the hotel in 15 minutes. I am with Harry at the moment, but I will be down there two help you out. I do want to know what led you to come back to the states and come see us though." "I will tell you in time, Liam. Thank you so much!" "No problem. See you in a few."

Olivia's heart began to race. This was it. She was about to see Niall and she would instantly feel better. She paid her bill and walked across the street to the door of the hotel. There were still loads of fans trying to see the boys and Olivia pushed through them all again. By this time Niall was sure to be asleep and she missed her window. Olivia walked through the hotel doors and stood in the lobby. It was breath-taking. She was in awe of how pretty the place was. The lobby took her back to her family vacations where they would stay in the fanciest hotels and resorts and Olivia and her sister would act like queens for a week. It brought a smile to her face thinking about a time where she didn't have to worry about a lying boyfriend or her controlling father. Olivia found a seat and sat there waiting for Liam. She got strange looks from guests and staff of the hotel. Olivia looked out of place and was the one thing not like the other. She was told a couple times by staff that she couldn't loiter in the lobby but she responded by saying she was waiting for someone.

Liam eventually made his way down the elevator and the minute Olivia saw him walk out of the elevator she felt relief. She was one step closer to being where she wanted. He walked up to her and saw the fans outside. He didn't want to raise suspicion so he walked towards another seat close to her and sat down. He whispered over and told her to meet him in the ice machine room on the first floor. He left and walked towards the ice machine. Olivia waited for a few minutes and walked the other direction. She didn't want to be noticed so she quickly went to the bathroom changed her shirt and then walked to the other side of the hotel where the room she was to meet Harry was. Olivia didn't know what was happening, but she felt like she was in a mission impossible movie because she was sneaking around the hotel. She eventually made it to the Ice room and saw Harry standing there. She didn't say a word to him and she didn't have to. He hugged her and said that everything was going to be alright. "Thank you so much Liam." Olivia held herself together. "So why did you come here?" "Well, it has to do with Erik and my Dad, but that is all I want to say right now." "Well okay then." "Niall has missed you so much. You would think that you were together, except you are not." "Thank you for the reminder." "Let's get you upstairs to see him though. I am sure he will be so excited."

Olivia followed Liam to the stairwell. He carried her bags for her up the stairs and they made the long trek up the stairs. They eventually made it to The boys' floor and Olivia was freaking out. She didn't know what to say when she saw him or how to respond to any question. She was scared that she made a mistake in coming to Hershey. To him. She was nervous that she was constantly making the wrong decision. She took a deep breath and walked out of the stairwell with Liam. They were greeted by security guards that were at the stairwell doors. Olivia assumed that they were making sure fans didn't sneak up to see the boys. Liam whispered to one of the tall men he nodded to the other. Olivia guessed that it their code for "She is okay." Harry took hold of Olivia's hand and reassured her that everything was going to be okay. They both walked to Niall's door and Olivia's heart was racing. "I am just next door if you need anything." Liam whispered to Olivia as Olivia stood at the door contemplating her decision. In the moments leading up to her knocking on the door, she felt the weight of the world on her shoulders and the room was spinning. She was going crazy she officially thought, but she knew she made the right choice.

Olivia knocked on the door and waited for it to open. She heard a faint, "just a moment." She recognized the voice. The Irish accent she loved so much. She missed him so much and he was one of the only people she could trust. As she stood at the door, in that moment, she panicked. She almost walked away, until it happened. The door opened and in front of her was the boy that stole her heart. Olivia felt the weight come of her shoulders, but at the same time began to feel every emotion she tried to suppress all day. All of the frustration, anger, sadness, all of it. Before he could even say a word, Olivia had wrapped her arms around his neck and began to cry. Niall held her in his arms without saying a word. He missed her so much and was happy to see her, but at the same time was concerned about what had happened. They just stood in the hallway of the hotel and embraced each other as Olivia cried in his arms. Eventually Niall carried her into his room and sat her on the bed and went back to grab all of her things. When Niall got back inside, he went back to Olivia and held her as she cried some more. He didn't want to break the silence and he just wanted her let her feel all of her emotions, but he had to ask, "Liv, I am the happiest person in the world right now, having you here with me, but I have to ask, what happened?"

Olivia looked at Niall with her puffy eyes and told him everything. She told him about all of the abuse. The fact that Erik had ignored her for weeks. The fact that Erik was talking her father and flew David Richards out to London. The fact that her dad was in London to take her back to LA because she was a failure. The fact that Erik was the exact same person as her father and everything he did was just like her father. Niall just listened to all of it and never said a word. He let her cry and let her vent. By the end of her story, she was about to fall asleep and he was going to stop her from doing so. They both fell asleep in each others arms and it was perfect. 

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