Chapter 13

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Once Olivia was in the cab she finally was letting everything set in. Erik finding her at Christmas time in the park. Erik taking her to a One Direction concert. Erik telling not saying much about his school work. Erik always making excuses for what he was doing. Erik ignoring her. It all made sense to her at that moment. Everything that Erik was doing to her reminded her of her father. It was so easy to like him because she was used to it for years. She had done the same things with her father back in LA. Every choice Olivia made in regards to her life was because of her father and Erik was the same way. Everything Olivia was doing in her life was because of him and it was just like her father was in control again. She held her composure in the cab for the most part or at least until she got to the airport. Olivia got there in just enough time to get her boarding pass, go through security, and get food before she had her meltdown about how shit her life was going. Olivia ran to the bathroom and locked herself in just so she could cry. She needed a moment to herself where she wouldn't be judged. She just needed to collect herself and she would be fine. But how could anyone be fine, while they are on their way to be with their best friend because he is one of the only one's she can trust.

After boarding the plane ended, Olivia put in her headphones and didn't talk to anyone. She looked out the window and thought. She just needed to clear her head of every bad thing that had happened. She need to clear her head of Erik and her dad. In those moments on the plane she forced herself to only think about Addie and her constant laughter and Niall. Olivia forced herself to think about how Niall would react when she showed up at his door. Or how he was always there to calm her down with every stupid thing Erik did. Eventually, Olivia fell asleep thinking about the blond-headed Irish boy that stole her heart.

The flight was long and Olivia was hungry when she woke up. She wanted food, but it was too late seeing as the plane was about to land. Once the plane landed Olivia quickly grabbed her carry on bag and headed towards the exit. Going through customs was an interesting experience for her. She had to explain what she was doing in London and what brought her back. The thing was she only wanted that conversation to go faster. Eventually she made it passed customs and grabbed her luggage. She called for a taxi to take her to the hotel he was staying at. The entire ride to the hotel, Olivia's heart was racing. She was nervous of what would happen. She didn't know what to expect. Her hands became clammy has she looked out the window, her mind racing.

The taxi turned a corner and immediately came to a stand still. There were girls lining the streets and people trying to get pictures of the hotel. "Are you sure this is where you are supposed to be?" "Yes, sir. I will get out here. Thank you." "good luck getting in ma'am." Olivia paid the driver, grabbed her things, and got out of the vehicle. She took a deep breath and started walking towards the entrance. She was pushed by screaming fans trying to get to the front of the crowd. She was trying to get into the hotel. After what seemed like hours of pushing and shoving, she made her way to the door only to be stopped by security. "Excuse me ma'am no one is allowed in at this time. One Direction is checking in to their rooms." Olivia tried to think quick on her feet. There was no use in trying to let her pass, but she decided to try. "Oh One Direction is staying here. I have heard of them. I'm sorry. I am just trying to check in. I have an important family dinner to attend." "I am sorry ma'am, but until they get into their rooms no one is allowed into the hotel and even then you must stay on your floor once you check in."

Olivia felt defeated for a little bit, but she needed to get in there. She needed to see Niall. She was fighting every power of her being to keep it together and not break down, but not much was working. She caught a glimpse of Niall through the hotel window and wanted nothing more than to run up and hug him, but she stood there as the crowd started to swarm around her and get a closer look at the boys. Olivia was able to handle the crowds at the concert, but these were insane. She found it harder to breath and she couldn't think. Everything was loud and she to quickly panic. She was panicking because she made a mistake, because she needed a good sleep, because she couldn't breathe, because her world was crashing. Everything that was on her mind was amplified. She felt like she was drowning and couldn't keep up with the crowd of fans around her. She saw a restaurant across the street and tried to get over there as fast as she could. She need to get out the crowd where it was quiet.

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