"I knew it!!! Pay up Terry!!" Matthew called out from around the corner.

Maverick and I burst into laughter, "Well that's one way to tell them." he said. I punched him playfully in the chest.we walked hand in hand since everybody in the house knew about us... except Bo and Jackson, but they'd know within the hour.

"So how did the old man take the news?" Terry asked as he handed Matthew thirty dollars. I coughed awkwardly. Both my brothers eyes widened in shock. "Oh Marc, you got to tell him."

~ Maverick~

I was in a trance as Marco talked to his brothers about his thoughts. My thoughts ran to school. I was comfortable being out among the rest of the school. But Marco freaked out about the smallest things regarding our relationship, and his sexuality in general. I was willing to wait for him to be comfortable enough, but what if it got out before he was ready. would he turn away from me. I couldn't make it through that. "Babe did you hear me?" Marco said tapping my back.

  "huh??" I said,I didn't hear him open his mouth. " I said 'we're just going to stay in tonight because it looks like storms." he said kissing my cheek. " I'm fine with that." I said kissing him on the lips. I knew my thoughts were just worrisome, Marco would be fine. We would be fine. " Let's just have a movie night." a voice said behind me. "Jackson!! " Marco yelped running into the arms of a boy who could've been a serious model.

     He has bright blue eyes and pitch black hair. These to features are the ones that stood out the most about, "Jackson? " I could hear the distaste in my own voice. Something about him made me want to punch him in the face. The way he looked at Marco. The way Marco looked at him. "Oh, um Jackson, this is my boyfriend Maverick." He said walking back over to me, kissing my lips. I heard Jackson suck his teeth at our exchange. I smiled into the kiss. "Don't worry about him." Marco whispered into my ear.


   After all the introductions were over we all gathered in the huge family theater that had multiple chairs for each member of the family. Marco and I cuddled up in his big throne like plush chair. "so what do we want to watch?" Matthew yelled out from his seat with one of Kim's friends. "Something sexy!" the girl yelled. Marco and I sat back as they argued over the movie.

~ Marco~

   I was actually glad that we had told all of our guest about us. It is good to just be together, not worry about what people think about us. 'but what happens when we go back to school' the voice in my head nagged "shut up!" I snapped at myself. Maverick looked at me shocked. "Sorry babe." I said kissing his hand that was locked in mine.

    The movie was halfway through when Maverick, whispered into my ear, " let's go be alone, please babe." He nibbled on my ear. I giggled, nodding into his chest. " wait five minutes, let me get a few things ready for you." he said lust thick in his voice. I watched him walk out of the theater and send a silent kiss my way. I want sure what he had planned, but I was really turned on by it. The five minutes passed quickly. I got up and grabbed my blanket and stripped silently as I walked up the stairs.

    The music from my room, made me shake in delight. It was sensual and I allowed myself to sway to the music as I walked in. He lay there on my bed, on his side in his boxers. He had his hair draping over his face. I dropped the blanket to the floor and strutted to him. I threw my naked body over to straddle him. " Where did you get the rose petals? " I asked pulling him up to kiss me. " You'd be surprised what I can do in five minutes." He said kissing me forcefully, his tongue playing along my bottom lip. I gave him what he wanted.

    We separated to breath, "I have something else, for you. He said reaching under my pillow.

~ Maverick~

    I reached under his pillow and pulled out a can of whipped cream. His eyes filled with lust as he took the can from my hands. 'I'm really lucky, my boyfriend is hot, and god does he know how to turn me on.' the thoughts ran through my head as Marco sprayed a trail of whipped cream around my nipples and around my abs.


I'm not going to go into detail about what happens in the bedroom this time, so for now make your own story. Next time I'll have something.


Marco and I lay there covered in whipped cream, chocolate, and sweat. His head resting on my chest, he tapped to the rhythm of my heart.

ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum.

"Maverick," he whispered. I looked down into his hazel eyes. "Yea babe?" I asked kissing his forehead. He looked up at me, cupping my face with his hands. " l love you." his voice so low I could barely hear it. But I didn't need to. I knew what he had said. And I knew he meant it.

" I love you more." I said pulling him close to me. Within the next hour, we were both asleep. Him wrapped in my arms.

A/N: Sorry that took so long to upload, I've been having some serious writers block. And also the next chapter will be about three weeks into the future.

  Thanks for reading!!!

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