A Clown Walks into a Bar

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"You really should slow down with the drinks, Ev," I say to my best friend as she takes a sip of her third margarita. It's the first night in weeks that my bestie and I have both been off at the same time, so we made plans for a girls night out. Dinner at her favorite Indian restaurant followed by drinks at my favorite bar. Compromise is key to every relationship. I'd begun the evening hoping to enjoy a relaxing night out with Ever, but now I'm starting to remember why I don't take her out for drinks anymore.

I look around the dark, quiet pool hall to see if I can spot anyone interesting. But as soon as my gaze sweeps towards the front door, a wave of horror falls over me. Four men stroll through the door and the man in the lead is someone I never thought I'd see again, someone I hoped I'd never see again. "We have to go," I say quickly to Ever. She looks confused. "Why?" I flick my eyes towards the door. "My ex just walked in," I grumble. "Oo, where?!" Ever whirls around excitedly. Her dark eyes fall on the group of men who are now headed towards the bar.

"Is he one of the guys with the Joker?" She grins at the green-haired maniac who stands with his back to our table.

Pulling a blanket of hair from behind my shoulder to hide my face, I scowl as I mutter flatly "No..." I sigh "He is the Joker." Ever's eyes grow wide. "The Joker?! Your ex-boyfriend is the Joker?!" I frown at her. "Yes," I whisper, grabbing her arm. "And if you keep shouting, he'll hear you. Now can we please leave? I have wine at home." Ever tips back the last bit of her margarita and nods. "Sure, sweetie," she says, gathering her purse. Footsteps approach the table from behind me. Thinking it's the bartender bringing over our tab, I pull my wallet from my purse. "Thanks for coming over," I say, opening it to take out some money.

"Oh, I know I'd do anything for you," a cold, smooth voice purrs into my ear. I freeze. Long, slender hands curl around my shoulders and begin to slide slowly down my arms to my elbows then back up. It's been so long since he's touched me that I'd forgotten how he made me feel. Tingles run up and down my spine and I feel my face flush. He slides his hands down my arms to my hands and laces his fingers through mine. I instinctively take a step backwards and lean into him as he presses his lips into my neck and my eyes drift closed. I've missed him, more than I'll ever be willing to admit. The feel of his arms around me, the smell of his cologne, the way he kisses the sensitive spot behind my ear. It all comes rushing back.

Wait...this isn't right. Liv, wake up! Snap out of it! My eyes fly open as I suddenly remember the most important part of my relationship with the Clown Prince of Crime: how it ended. Jerking away from his arms, I whirl around to face him, rage burning in my eyes. He reaches for me, but I jump back. "Get away from me, asshole!" I growl at him, slamming my palms into his bare chest. The Joker grins widely at me. "What's the matter, doll," he taunts. "Don't you miss me?"

"No." I glare at him as I snatch my purse off the table. "I hate you." The Joker throws back his bright green head and laughs. "Come on, Liv," he says, reaching for me again. "Have a drink with me, for old time's sake." I narrow my eyes at him. "No way." "Why not?" he asks, looking almost genuinely disappointed. "We had so much fun together." I roll my eyes at him. "Yeah, it was fun," I agree. "Right up until you cheated on me." He shrugs. "Everybody makes mistakes," he says casually.

I cross my arms in front of my chest. "Twice." The Joker grins. "Sorry?" His gray-blue eyes glint with mirth. He reaches up and runs his fingers through my auburn hair as he tucks it behind my ear. "Just one drink? Please?" I'm doing my best to not fall for the charming bastard all over again. "Don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask bluntly. His eyes darken and he jerks his hand back. "Not anymore." His tone is so bitter it almost sounds hurt. "She left me." I can't help but feel bad for him. "Sorry..." I say softly.

The Joker shrugs one shoulder. "So what do ya say?" Frowning, I look deep into his eyes as I try to make a decision. Finally, changing my mind for the fifth time, I take a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. "Actually, I can't." I jerk my head towards Ever. "I have to make sure my friend makes it home safely. She's had a few drinks."

 The Joker's gaze flicks over my shoulder momentarily then back to my face. "Hey, Lucas," he calls to one of the men behind him without breaking eye contact. "Yeah, boss?" "Make sure that..." The Joker raises the blank space where his left eyebrow should be, asking with his eyes my friend's name. "Ever."

"Ever?" he repeats, grimacing. I glare at him. "I didn't name her," I hiss. He shrugs. "Lucas, make sure that Ever gets home safely." He continues talking without taking his eyes off me. "Don't just drop her off at the door. Take her to her apartment and put her to bed."

"Sure thing, boss." I watch carefully as Lucas steps out from the group and starts towards Ever. I pull away from the Joker and rush towards my friend, getting to her just seconds before Lucas. "Ever, this is Lucas," I say, gesturing towards the man. "He's...an old friend. He's going to take you home." She looks at me bleary-eyed. "What are you going to do?" she asks, uncertainty plain on her pretty face. "I'm just going to stay for one drink..." I let my voice trail off.

"With him," she says darkly. I sigh then nod. "Yes." Ever frowns. "Liv, I'm so drunk I can barely stand up straight and even know that's a terrible idea." I pat her shoulder reassuringly. "I'll be fine. Just go with Lucas and get some sleep. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

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