chapter five / the almost first date

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/ warning; there are mentions of sexual context in this chapter /

it has been two days since mike and will were hugging in the boys bathroom at hawkins high. nothing too serious happened after that, they just both went back to class. it's now saturday night, and mike and will agreed to meet up near the quarry. will actually wanted to go into mike's house, but mike denied because of his father. mike wanted to go to wills house, will denied because mike might found out about his razor blades, so they eventually agreed to meet at the quarry, for a kind of first date.

mike was in his room, getting dressed in some more better clothes than he usual wore. he heard a knock on his door, and it opened slightly. "come in, nancy." mike smiled as he saw his older sister walk in his bedroom and close his door. she walked over to his bed and sat down on it, longingly looking at him. "i see you've been excited for something ever since you got home from school yesterday. something you wanna tell me?" she smiled, hoping it was something about will. "it's- it's about will and i. we're gonna be going on our first date tonight. well, it's not really our first date, just kind of a first date." nancy got up and wrapped his arms gently around mike, "i'm glad you're finally being nice to him." she whispered then pulled away, walking out of his room. then she turned back, "oh and- don't hurt him please." mike nodded and watched her leave. mike put his shoes on, and left the house, telling his mother that he was taking a very long walk.

he biked to the quarry, it only took him about 20 minutes to get there. he dropped his bike, happy that everything he had set up was still there. there was a small, kind of old blanket on the ground, with one flower crown on it, a box of twinkies, and two bottles of water. nothing special at all, but mike had a feeling will would love it. a few minutes later, will arrived. jonathan had drove to the quarry and dropped him off, "have fun, will. i know how much this means to you." will smiled lightly at him, for the first time in awhile. "i will, thank you for taking me." will got out of the car, and jonathan drove off. mike got up, his eyes widened as he saw will. he was wearing tight jeans, and a beautiful light pink sweater. he had nice combed hair, his cheeks and lips were pink, and his eyes were glowing. mike thought will looked gorgeous, beautiful, hot, stunning, and pretty. mike could already feel his pants tighten just a little, which angered him a bit. will walked over to him, "wow!" he looked at the area where the blanket was, he loved it. he sat down on it, "this is so cute mike, thank you!" mike smiled, and sat down next to him, "i knew you would like it," he handed him a bottle of water. "water for my princess. i need to keep you pretty and healthy." will giggled softly, taking a sip of the water. "delicious," mike opened up the box of twinkies and got one out for will. "i asked jonathan earlier what your favorite snack was. he told me it was twinkies, so here you go, beautiful." will immediately opened up the packaging and ate the twinkie, smiling widely. "thank you, mike so much." he laughed quietly. mike moved himself closer to him, "and i gift to you." mike picked up the flower crown, gently putting it on top of wills head. "you can keep it, and wear it whenever and wherever you want to." will picked it up and looked at it, "did you make this?" mike nodded, "yes, and it's even your two favorite colors, yellow and pink." will put it back on his head, "it's beautiful, mike. everything about this almost first date is perfect. i- thank you." mike finally decided it was time to make a move. he cupped wills chin, leaning in, "you're welcome, princess." he whispered those words so lowly, will barely heard. mike pressed his lips against his, angling into the small kiss more. will kissed back, oh and how much he loved the feeling of mikes lips. mike pulled away slightly, then planted a small kiss on his cheek. "i think you look, very, very, very hot tonight." mike whispered seductively into his ear. will gulped quietly, "you too." he said, and mike leaned in for another kiss.

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