chapter three / not close friends, just friends

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/ warning; this chapter contains sexual context /

mike and will had just gotten seated in the principals office. the principal sat down in his chair, adjusting his suit, and his glasses. then, what felt like forever, he finally looked up at the two boys seriously. "can one of you explain what just happened?" he asked quietly. both will and mike stayed silent. the principal coughed awkwardly and asked his question again. mike finally looked up at him, "i apologized to will, and he didn't accept my apology. so.. me being me, i pinned him to the ground, threatened him, then slapped him across the face. then i lied to you about not hurting him, sir." mike said, not really afraid to say what he said. the principal tilted his head towards mike, kind of surprised. then he looked over at will, who was fiddling with his sweater. "is this true will?" will mumbled a very quiet "yes". the principal looked back at mike and thought, "detention for a week, mr. wheeler. and as for you mr. byers, you're free to go. and please boys, don't try to go near each other again. dismissed." mike and will then quickly got up, leaving out the principals door, not saying a word to each other, but they did glance at each other, and they both knew they still had love for the other.

dustin and jane were waiting outside the principals office for will. they were both his only friends, but will did not consider them his best friends, not even close friends, just friends. jane, has short curly hair that keeps getting longer, is a pansexual badass, with telekinesis abilities. dustin, on the other hand, is considered "boring", which is not true at all. he's straight, but funny. both will and jane are out to dustin and of course each other. they are pretty comfortable with one another. jane gasped as she saw a small bruise on wills face from mike's hard slap. "will!" she ran up to him and gave him a hug, "are you alright? what did mike do? did he hurt you? do you have detention? you need to go-" will interrupted her, "i'm fine, jane." he mumbled and walked out of her arms. dustin sighed, "will, you've got to do something about this bullying. he's been bullying you since middle school!" dustin exclaimed. "yes, i'm aware of that. but there's nothing i can do," dustin laughed, "what do you mean there's nothing you can do? the principal is right there, g-go tell him and he could get mike expelled, and you won't ever have to deal with him ever again!" dustin practically yelled. he was angry. "no, i can't actually. mike almost broke my back and the principal only gave him detention for a week! that dumbass should be fired!" will said, then walked away, off to class.

the day had just ended for mike, which means he had detention. he entered the detention room, and saw the assistant principal at the front, a red haired girl, and a black boy too. he sat way in the back, and got his algebra books out. he pretended to study and do work, but he kept looking at the two other people in the room. the red haired girl chewed her gum quietly, but mike assumed if the assistant principal wasn't in the room, her chewing would be much more louder. the boy, was nibbling on the end of his pencil, it looked like he was trying to solve an equation. the assistant principal had left the room to use the restroom, and that's when it got loud. the girl started to chew her gum annoyingly, finally the boy snapped. "can you please stop?" the boy yelled. the girl stopped and looked at him, "you're a nerd, why are you in detention?" the boy sighed, "because i was late to class, and my biology teacher always gives detention to anyone who's late to her class." the girl laughed and put her feet on the desk she was sitting at, "sounds like an awful teacher." after a few seconds of silence, the girl spoke up again, "hey you, boy in the back, what's your story?" mike looked up at her, " oh, i-i beat up a kid, cause he didn't accept my apology. i have anger issues." he said the last sentence quietly. the girl got up and walked back to him, "woah, you're quite scary. remind me to not piss you off, i don't want my bones broken by someone like you." mike gritted his teeth, "then shut the fuck up." he said angrily. the girl backed away, "okay.. okay, don't hurt me, mister." she sat back in her seat, "the names max by the way." she said, making sure both boys heard her. "max?" the boy said confused. "short for maxine, dumbass." she laughed, "and you what's your name?" the boy cleared his throat, "lucas sinclair." max giggled, "okay, mr. sinclair!" she said in a different voice. "and what about you mister anger issues?" mike rolled his eyes, "my name is mike. mike wheeler." max gasped, "damn, mike! you have a deep hot voice, how many girls have you slept with? they must have enjoyed that.." max smirked. lucas cringed at what max said. "i-i have slept with a lot actually. but there's only one person in this school who i actually have feelings for. "ooh, and that is..?" mike looked down, "the boy i beat up earlier, will byers." he mumbled. both max and lucas suddenly went quiet. after a while, max coughed awkwardly, "you're bi..?" mike nodded slowly. "what a bicon." max said quietly to her self, quite amazed she came across someone lgbt. lucas sat up straight, "i don't have a problem with you being bisexual, mike. i am a genuinely nice person." he smiled gently at him. mike smiled back. the assistant principal got out of the bathroom, and the kids quickly scrambled to their seats. lucas got back to work, max looked around bored out of her mind, and mike looked down. he had just came out to complete strangers, and they didn't judge him. he felt good. but he felt as if he really needed to apologize to will.

after detention, mike went straight outside. mike knew will loved staying after hours at school, underneath this one shady tree on the school grounds. mike approached will, while will had not looked up yet. he was actually sketching mike on a piece of paper. mike's heart felt warm and he smiled. "that's a beautiful drawing," mike said softly, which had startled will a bit. he looked up at him, with a serious face. then his face turned into a smile, "thanks, i always draw you. all the time. you're really only what i draw." mike sat his bag down and sat down straight next to will. he moved his hand slowly on top of wills thigh by "accident", trying to get a "closer" look at wills drawing. wills breath hitched slightly, looking down at mike's warm hand on his thigh. then he looked up at him, "do you want to keep it?" will asked him softly. mike looked into wills eyes, "yeah, of course. it's so beautiful. you made me look beautiful." will handed mike the drawing, "you've always been beautiful." will said quietly, then zipped his bag up, standing up. "see ya tomorrow." he smiled, and began to walk away. mike stood up and ran after him "will-" will interrupted him, "it's okay mike, you don't have to apologize." mike watched will walk away, and mike felt the random boner coming, since he was looking straight at his ass. "shit," mike muttered, and put wills drawing back in his bag. mike went home, and got rid of his boner in the bathroom. he walked out of the bathroom, and into his room. he laid down on his bed and smiled. he was glad he was being nice to will and will was being nice to him. he closed his eyes, and of course being the horny teen he is, had a wet dream about will.

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