Chapter Two

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I observed the way the group trampled and messed around with the fragile technology of the Moon Base.

They seemed determined on obtaining some sort of information out of the database, yet I could not see clearly from where I was. The fusion seemed tense, despite how calm her face looked. She seemed bothered by what the Peridot next to her was saying, yet I could not hear what it was.

A muffled crashing sound was the next thing to grab my attention, causing me to look over towards them again and come across the same fusion – the difference being she now had some sort of weapon summoned over her hands.

Her stance was firm, yet her breathing appeared laboured and strained – almost as if she had snapped.

Before her were the shattered remains of the Moon Base's main control desk, the only possible perpetrator being the fusion herself.

"Let's go."

Those were the only words I could make out from the movement of her lips as the group began to leave, their reluctant steps showing the uncomfortable situation they had to endure.

With the doors shutting behind them, I was left alone once more, the only company remaining being my Pearl – my friend.

As I contemplated over the fusion's behaviour, I could not get out of my mind the way the others seemed to stick with her, in spite of the destruction she caused.

Another scenario that caught my attention was the way the other gems looked at the Peridot, almost as if she had crossed a line with her words. The group seemed disappointed – perhaps, betrayed – by her words, yet they did not throw her out, nor did they punish her for it.

Rather, they still walked alongside her, they gazes still showing distrust over what she had done, but still remaining by her side nonetheless.

Just what were these gems thinking?

They were considered a threat – rebels from Homeworld – yet they tolerated disrespect from a gem who appeared weaker than them.

Their actions flooded the rest of my thoughts.

"My Diamond?"

Pearl's words brought me back to where I was – a confined space, where I could not move or act on free will.

"Did you see that, too?"

I caught on to what my Pearl meant with that, my worry seeming to have rubbed off on her.

"Yes, my Pearl." I replied, looking back once more at the broken shards strewn about the floor of the now emptied Moon Base. "I do not know whether I should trust them yet. They are a strange group, but they do seem more compassionate compared to the leaders at Homeworld."

"What should we do?"

Pearl's hopeful tone made for a foreign emotion to take over my mind.

She seemed to want the same as many other, bubbled gems: freedom.

For her gem kind, such a thought was prohibited, but here she was – yearning for freedom.

The thought made me reflect on what I wanted myself.

Did I want freedom?

Such a thought seemed impossible to me, yet seeing my Pearl remain so set on obtaining that jumbled the rest of what ran through my mind.

I had gotten so used to the concept of being trapped – of being overshadowed – that I forgot what I truly wanted for myself. Every other thought I had was mostly fueled or imposed on by White Diamond.

It was at this very moment that I realized I did not have a dream or aspirations of my own – I was simply accepting my fate.

I had accepted being nothing else but White Diamond's shadow.

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