"Wait. So you guys check in texts now?" Caroline asks Elena. "What else do you do?"

"I know that you're not the biggest fan, but he kind of just changed my life. Do you mind laying off on all the hate?" Elena awkwardly says.

Caroline is starting to judge if it wasn't obvious already.

"Okay!" Bonnie sits up. "New Girls' night rule. No boy talk, yeah? Plus, why talk when we have this?"

Bonnie pulls out some tea bags. I narrow my eyes at it. Please don't tell me that's what I think it is.

"Is that stoner tea?" I ask.

"Its spirit tea." Bonnie answers. "It opens up your chi or whatever."

We all sigh. I'm surprised Bonnie has this. It's basically weed. She's making it out to be something Witches use. But hey, im not complaining. It won't hurt to be high for awhile.

"It's not drugs. Shane is helping me do natural magic without having to access the spirits." Bonnie shrugs.

"Yeah... I'm sure." I raise an eyebrow.

"Don't judge. You're turning into Caroline." Bonnie darts her eyes from me to Caroline.

Wow, okay. I guess I won't say anything that comes to mind that will potentially hurt some feelings. I apologize for being brutally honest at times.

"Fine. Mia and I hereby vow not to be judgmental for the rest of the evening. Even if you two are potentially ruining your lives as we stand idly by, it's your choice."

I nod my head in agreement. If they're lives end up falling apart tonight, they better not ask us for advice. Mia is out of business tonight.

"I'll drink to that." Elena says.

Music is blasting and empty bottles are everywhere. Yes, we are all drunk and high. Who's stopping us? Absolutely no one! Elena and Caroline are on tables and Bonnie is on the sofa. I'm dancing literally everywhere. I feel so happy. Is it the drugs?

Bonnie takes out her phone and starts recording the fun. Elena grabs me and we start dancing together. This is the definition of fun. I can't remember the last time I pressed pause on my life. Besides the time I died and literally lost my life for a couple minutes. Okay, no depressing things! This is a night to have the time of my life.

"I'm having so much fun!" I giggle.

"Same here!" Bonnie records me.

Caroline starts to dance obnoxiously along with Elena and I. If a stranger were to look at us right now, we'd look like crazy people.
It's been a solid 2 hours. We're tired and I think the tea is wearing off. Well, it was good while it lasted. We all go to a bathroom and sit on the floor. Elena sits in the tub, Caroline sits next to me on the floor, and Bonnie sits across the tub.

"Check this out, vamp speed video." Bonnie hands Elena her phone.

It's different clips from different videos she took of us. I'd say we had a pretty good time. The drinks were amazing, too. I'm surprised I didn't drink any blood bags. Elena was chugging them all. I don't blame her. She's so happy she can drink from a blood bag now.

"I look like Superman!" Elena laughs.

I take the phone and pause it right in the middle of her speeding. She looks so funny.

"May I present, this year's Christmas card." I show the girls.

"Being a vampire is so weird. Oh my god, I love this bathtub." Elena rambles. "Why don't we come and hang her more often?"

I guess she still feels the drugs. I wonder what else she'll say. Wait... who's bathroom is this?

"I'll tell you why. Cooties. Think of all the germ-ridden skanks that Damon has lured into his den of iniquity." Caroline starts to judge.

We all look at her uncomfortably. Elena sits up and frowns. At least I know who's bathroom this is.

"Really? There was no need to bring him up..." I trail off.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I've been good all night. I am stopping now." Caroline raises her hands.

"No. Don't stop on my account. Rip away. I mean, it's only Damon, right?" Elena says.

Caroline better not 'rip away.' Elena is being sarcastic. Ugh... come on! We were having such a great time. She really had to go there.

"Well, day what you want about ripper Stefan but at least he wasn't a man slut." Caroline shrugs.

"Hey, watch it." I narrow my eyes at her.

She's getting too comfortable with her words. I'm his sister incase she forgot. Caroline needs to relax.

"Guys." Bonnie tries to calm us down.

"So what exactly was it about him that made you jump right into bed with him as soon as you met him?" Elena follows up.

Holy shit. I don't think anyone has filled me in on that part. Caroline and Damon... seriously? I'm too pissed to show I care about that party anyway. I'm on Elena's side.

"I didn't know what a sociopathic narcissist he was." Caroline cocks her head.

Is it okay if I just slapped her right now? Would it be bad on my part?

"He's always been there for me when I needed him." Elena defends herself.

Maybe because it's that sire fucking bond blinding you! Wait... am I mad at both Elena and Caroline now?

"Yeah, because he's hoping you'll sleep with him." Caroline nods.

"Well maybe I did."

Elena confessed it. I don't think she noticed what she just said. Caroline's eyes are wide open. Bonnie looks like she doesn't know what to do. Caroline is going to tell Stefan about this. I know she is. They're best friends basically.

"Elena!" I scold.

"You what?!" Caroline screams.

"You didn't." Bonnie says.

"Yeah... I did." Elena nods. "How did you know?"

What the hell! What do I say now?!

"I kinda... listened to it... NOT ON PURPOSE. It just happened and I couldn't just go downstairs and interrupt... okay not the point." I cover my face.

This is so embarrassing. I can feel my cheeks go red. Oh god. Kill me now.

"Okay... anyways. I know you three have issues with him but I'm happy, and I wanted to spend tonight with my best friends so that I could tell them about it." Elena rants.

Best friends? That's where we are now. Wait... that's not even the point. Elena doesn't even know that it's not her real feelings. It's the bond. The stupid sire bond. For some reason she feels like it's real. I guess they have a really strong bond.

Elena gets up and walks out the bathroom. Now she's pissed.

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