He fix your car

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It Monday not the best day ever and I hate my job, my job is to serve business people foods and coffees plus my boss Mr./Mrs. Y/B/N pay me less money that I can't afford a lot of things that I need but luckily I been saving my money for me to buy everything I need and want! I got up and start putting on my makeup, do my hair. Once I finish doing my beauty I went through my closet to find the outfit (above) that I pick out for the day! Beautiful!!! I run downstairs grab an apple and filled my coffee mug with coffee obviously, looking for my keys and purse then my phone rang "Hello?" I questioned "Hey Girl you're got to be here before our boss gets piss off at you for being late again!" Said Y/B/F  "Ok ok I'm coming! And besides Mr./Mrs. Y/B/N is a fucking douchbag!" I laugh "Haha you're right but still hurry ok??" Y/B/F chuckles  "Ok I will be there bye!" I hung up and walked out the door. I got into my car and drove off to Y/C/N as I halfway there I started to hear funny noises strange I thought so I tried my best to ignore it, then 5 mins later that funny sounds showed up again and my car stopped "What the fuck?" I yelled in confusion then I realize my car broke down "Son of a bitch!!!" I screamed. A 6 feet 4 inches tall man knock at my window, I look at him in awe as he spoke "good morning ma'am!" He grin to show off his dimples oh my!! "Good morning sir!" I smile like an idiot "Is everything's ok?" He questioned as he raise his eyebrow, "Um no my car broke down and I'm late for work!" I sighed in disappointment and anger. "Not to worry my auto body is down that road I can fix your car if you want me to." He offered I thought about it then I answered "Yes please!" He nodded and offered me a ride to his auto body. We hop out of the truck and he lend me a hand so I can get down safely "By the way I'm Jared, Jared Padalecki!" He smiles those dimples god!! "I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N!" I smiled back and shook his big massive hand then he went straight to work. My phone starts to ring it my boss, I left the room so I can talk to my boss in private. I pick up the call and started to speak "Hey Mr./Mrs. Y/B/N how are you?" I waited patiently "Y/N where the fuck are you?" My boss yelled "I'm at an auto body cuz my car broke down and I need it to get fixed!" I rolled my eyes as I yelled back at Mr./Mrs. Y/B/N "Well you're late again that is the fifth time this week considered yourself fired!!" My boss screamed and hung up. Then Jared saw me standing there by myself I was crying I lost my job but at the same time I was happy cuz I hated it there, Jared hugs me and said in his sweet voice "Hey everything is going to be ok." I sniffled as Jared placed his index finger under my chin so I can have eyes level with him and smiled "Thank you, I'm sure you heard the whole thing?" I asked then he nodded "but hey I can tell that your boss is a son of bitch." He laughed and I joined "yea he/she is!" I chuckled at him "anyways I'm came to tell you that your car is fixed!" He said while he guided me back to the garage where my car is. "Thanks by the way what was the trouble?" I asked clearly for him to hear me "Your car batteries died and I replaced them with a new batteries!" He grin to show his dimples again. He helped me get in my car and close my door, " If there anything that needs fixing call me on my work number and if you need a friend you can call me on my personal numbers." He handed me a piece of paper with 2 numbers on it. "Thank you again for everything and I will call you soon!" I smile and he hit my car as I drove away to go home.

A few weeks later
I been talking to Jared and today I felt like it the right time for him to come over and hang out with me. I called him not that long ago he said that he will be glad to come over. 5 mins later Jared shows up "Hey  there beautiful  I'm here!" He yelled I run down the stairs in my sweatpants and tank top, my hair was in a bun "Hey you! You made it!!" I hugged him "Yea I wouldn't see you if I didn't show up here!" He smiled. I went to the kitchen and made popcorn while Jared sat on the couch "Hey what movie do you wanna watch??" He asked I thought for a minute "A quiet place?" He gasp "Yes!" I squealed in excitement. I grab the popcorn bowl then plopped down on the couch and snuggling up against Jared as he grab a blanket to cover us then wrap his arm around to keep me safe as we watched the movie. I started to fall asleep while Jared continues to watch the movie till it ends, then the movie ended Jared fell asleep with me on the couch "I love you Y/N" he whispered and hold me tight  as he drift to sleep still holding me tightly.

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