Chapter 3. My Greek God

Start from the beginning

Wanting to get this class done and over with so he could go on his search for the nurse's office. Pushing back the now happy again Feliciano, Hercales reaches for the door knob of the boys' locker room, which he swore was silent just a minute ago, but I'd now filled with laughter. Teasing, cruel, cold laughter.

Hercales blood starts running cold, thinking that it's impossible, that there is no way. Hercales runs towards the noise, Feliciano shouting his name behind him, but Hercales thoughts weren't on Feliciano. No... they were straight ahead in the middle of the crowd, scared, weak, and beaten.

Kiku's POV:

You deserve this... You deserve this... You deserve this... I deserve this...

The echo of everyone's voices rings in my head day and night, never getting peace from their cold taunting voices and laughter filled eyes. Everything is my fault, ... it's dark,... and it's cold. Have I finally died? Did I finally get what I deserved?

Kiku's head, pounding a deafening rhyme, vision black, body pounding and achy. Then noise started. Sounding in his ear at first, just talking. Something Kiku gave up years ago... then talking turned into gasps. Maybe at Kiku's appearance, maybe not. Kiku wasn't important enough for even that much.

Then all at once, the gasps turned into laughter and snickering, the once quiet... wherever Kiku was, is now full of noise.

"Freak." "Weirdo." "You deserved it!"

He deserved it... I deserved it. At those words, Kiku's eyes slowly started opening, the light of the... boys locker room? blinding Kiku, adding to the list of body parts hurting today. At the didn't of his eyes open, the trading and name calling grew louder, people not even trying to hide it. But no one ever did. It was a game after all... and he was the ball. They brought him pain and suffering, and no matter how physically/emotionally painful it was, Kiku had to endure it. To not show weakness. To not show how much it got to him. And after all these years... they don't anymore... cause they're all true. He is a freak... and he does deserve this... all of it.

Slowly and carefully, Kiku stands up. Once standing up on both legs, shots of flaming searing pain starts going up Kiku's right leg, causing Kiku to wince slightly, not enough for anyone to notice, or Kiku hopes, but enough so Kiku had to lean against the lockers, so Kiku wouldn't call down on his knees, which he knew it is what everyone wanted.

Trying his hardest, Kiku slowly stands up straight, ignoring the scrutinizing pain from his leg and hand, knowing his leaning against the lockers is a sign of weakness, something he couldn't afford to show in public. The hand broken from earlier this morning, still radiating it's flaming hot pain, that was supposed to be seen, but since Kiku never made it to the nurse's office, he'll have to pretend that it's not radiating unimaginable pain.

Giving his bravest face, Kiku masks his face, showing no pain or any trace that his body is throbbing with pain, his broken hand hanging at his side as naturally as he can make it, using all his strength to keep standing and to not fall down flat on his face.

Kiku knew he was putting up a good front, cause the faces that were so filled with excitement at seeing Kiku's pain from years of blankness turned to disappointment in a matter of seconds, seeing that Kiku was going to be the same as usual. Blank and mute.

"Come on you freak!" "Let's hear you talk just once!" "What the hell are you?!"

Shouts started coming out from the crowd, their disappointment showing in their actions. Kiku, turning away to get ready for... gym? Being as it's about time for the next class to start.

Turning to get to his gym locker is when the heaviest book Kiku could ever imagine, a hard cover dictionary maybe?, came flying at him out of nowhere, hitting him square in his back, making Kiku fly into the lockers, knocking all the wind out of him, and sending him sprawling on the floor, leaving him a heap of... nothing.

At that bursts of laughter rang out in the boy's locker room for the second time, even though Kiku knew there would be plenty more where this came from, the day was still young after all.

Kiku started standing up slowly, his legs wobbling like Jell-O, his strength leaving him slowly little by little, when the sound of a door opening and closing loudly and someone shouting loudly disturbs the laughter. Then... Kiku heard... his voice. The voice of a god.

"What's going on here?"

Standing up straighter, Kiku looks out into the crowd, seeing the most beautiful god Kiku has ever seen.

"Ah Hercales is it? Mon Ami, join the fun!"

"Fun?" Confused, Hercales looks around, obviously not getting that he is the "fun". Like a piñata. Looking at Kiku, bruised, beaten, and barely standing, then looking at the crowd surrounding Kiku like tigers on meat, Hercales finally understood what Francis meant by "fun". Everyone in the room held their breath, even Kiku, waiting to see what Hercales would do. Join in the "fun" or do the unthinkable. So unthinkable Kiku couldn't even think of anything Hercales could do that would be unthinkable. Join in the "fun"... or the unthinkable... which will it be...

Before Hercales could even say anything, the teacher called out, wondering what was taking everybody so long.

Already bored, the crowd turns away, getting ready for class.

Taking that as an opportunity, Kiku slips past Hercales and to the bathroom, not wanting anyone, especially Hercales, to see how weak he is. Kiku didn't want to face him after that. But the day was still young. And after all, Kiku was his tour guide...

After changing into Kiku's gym shorts and short, Kiku slipped into the gym once he knew everyone was gone, being careful to steer clear of Hercales , who was already chatting with Francis and his gang.

Once the teacher had confirmed that everyone was there, he announced that today we were going to be playing a friendly little competition of basketball. At that sounds of "whoops" and cheers rang out in the echoing gym.

Once everyone was all silent again, the teacher picked out the two captains, and then the captains started picking out their team members. Francis as one captain, Alfred as the other. Francis going first, Hercales was the first to go, and then soon one by one everyone was picked, all except Kiku, who stood alone.

"OK, now who's going to take Honda?" The teacher yelled out.

Both captains stayed silent.

"Um,...if it's OK...we'll take-"

"Alfred will take him!" Francis shouts before Hercales could finish his sentence.

Shocked, Kiku looks over at Heracles, wondering what Hercales was about to say, but then thinking it's better not knowing, and quickly looks away, before everybody sees him gawking.

"Aww man! Why do I get the freak?!" ... oh well. I guess we'll take him."

Sneaking a peak at Heracles as Kiku makes his way towards Alfred, Kiku see's something he's never seen before... something that makes Kiku's heart fly and soar above the clouds...something in Hercales eyes that's so...warm...and kind

I guess it is good that they're both on different teams...they need space between them...a lot of space.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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