Chapter 1. The New Guy

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10 Years Later...

"Morning! Did you do the homework?" "Of course not! Did you?" "" "Did you hear?" "What?" "We have a newbie in our class, and i heard he's hot!" "Of course you'd think that Feliks." "No i'm serious!" "I wonder what he's like." "Well...-"

As quietly as possibly, Kiku moves around them, not wanting to disturb them and theirs gossiping. Of course that would of worked years ago...but ..not anymore.

"Hey you!"

'you', 'that boy', etc... that's been his name now for these past 10 years, everybody willingly forgot his name to the point even he's forgeting his name, being the doctors and nurses at World Wide Hospital being the only ones who call him 'Kiku'.

He turns around, coming face to face with a guy, not as tall as most guys are around here, with sweet green eyes, and a blonde halo of blonde hair on his head, wearing... Kiku's mind goes blank.

Kiku looks at him more closly.

'He's a guy, he's a guy...wearing the female version of the school uniform? that the style in his country?'

"Hey, um, like talking to you!"


"Quiet Toris, you can't take me my fun of teasing this poor unfortunate soul!"

Even the most of the school, or mathmatically, about 98% of the school does the daily bully and tease on him (not including teachers), while the mere 2% that doesn't, just watches, neither comfortable teaseing him or helping him, their neutral. So while Feliks is in the 98%, Toris is in that 2%.

"Why don't you , like, talk and say something. I'm sure you can you faker!"

Kiku just stands there and takes it, excepting that this isn't the worse thing that's happen, or will happen to him.

"Well whatever, you're boring me you go on your merry little way freeak, have you seen the new guy anywhere?" Feliks eyes shine with a lustful intent, noting kiku that he's found a new target.

Everyone in the school knew what Feliks was like. He dresses like a girl, never a guy, and has on again off again boyfriends. Being Toris his only one he always goes back to.

Kiku grabs his note pad, scribbles something on it, rips the paper from the others, and hands it to the 'weird' country.

"No, i see. Go figures on both things. You're a freak, so i understand why he wouldn't want to be anywhere near you. So do him and all of us a favor, stay far away from him." Feliks pronounces the words as if he's from another planet and he's trying to explain the weather for me.

"If i hear you go anywhere near him, just don't want to know what i'll do to you freak... Or you can do us all another favor, and leave. You're unwanted hear after all. No one will miss you."

And with that, Feliks turns around, and most likly in search for his new prey, with Toris in tow.

Not be missed...

Kiku's been told that for years now. And he believes those words...but without school...what else is he suppossed to do?

Slowly, this time sticking to the sidelines and shadows of the school, Kiku makes his way in the school, exchanging his shoes for the inside shoes every student is supposed to wear. Gabbing his bag, kiku makes it toward the stairs, heading up to the second floor.

"There he is." "Freak!" "Why is he still here?" "That boy..."

Kiku puts his head down further, the bangs of his straight black hair shadowing his face, so to not give everyone the satisfaction of seeing kiku in pain.

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