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Violet wasn't a particularly clumsy person. Sure, she had a tendency to trip, or knock things over, but overall she tended to have a good sense of control over her limbs. 

However, for the first day of term, and the new school year, she was nervous. And who wouldn't be? New terms are scary, and teachers were scary, homework's bloody terrifying and students especially so and - well we can hardly blame her for having her mind pull a Usain Bolt. 
Maybe if she hadn't been so focused on trying to balance stacked books she'd been needing to return to the school library, she would have seen the boy in front who had paused to get his water bottle out of his bag. Ah well. More interesting for us, I guess.


The dark haired girl flew head first into the boy, causing him to loose his balance and stumble forward. His water bottle, lid already off,  shot out of his hands and soaked the pair of them. The boy fell on the ground and poor Violet landed on top of him, her arms caging him in while her hair tickled his nose. 

The next few minutes were extremely awkward. Seconds seemed to stretch on into hours. For a brief moment of desperation, Violet seriously considered quitting school and becoming a nun - at least she wouldn't have to deal with this painful embarrassment anymore.  But then again she hadn't heard of many super-hero nuns, and she wasn't all too keen on the idea of dropping her family forever, so she let the idea go. Slowly, reluctantly, she peeked her eyes open, to see a boy she'd never seen before laying slightly confused beneath her. With a speed that would rival Dash on laundry day, she sprung up as if the ground had burned her and took several steps back for extra measure.

"You could offer to help me up, y'know" the boy remarked, still sprawled on the floor, but making no attempt to get up. He was dark haired, with warm brown eyes and wearing a black NASA t-shirt with a purple planet on it. She wasn't sure which planet it was but guessed it was probably Uranus. It was always Uranus. Ass jokes aside, he looked fairy harmless, if a little nerdy, and Violet probably shouldn't just leave him to rot on the pavement. At the very least, good manners could be shown. She sighed, and stepped forward, before reluctantly stretching out a hand. 

Grabbing it, the boy leapt up so he was face to face with Violet. Well, face to chin, and Violet was a good bit smaller than the human beanpole, who, oh dear, was trying to flirt.

"Hey, the name's Wilbur, Wilbur Robinson" he remarked whilst sticking out a hand. Violet ignored him. Brushing off the rejection, he tried again, leaning in to ask "What's your name?" Violet rolled her eyes, and leaned away, decidedly over with this interaction, but still felt obliged to humour him. 
"Violet Parr." Wilbur opened his mouth to say something, but Violet cut him off as something suddenly clicked. 

"Wait are you the son of Cornelius Robinson? The famous inventor?" Wilbur grinned, and tried (emphasis on tried) to flex. His show of strength resembled more of a toothpick with charm.  Violet tried not to groan. "Yeah, I am. Impressed?"

Shooting him a look Violet replied. "No." Blunt, and to the point. Hopefully he'd get the hint and leave her alone.

He didn't. 

"Well you can't please them all" shrugged Wilbur, and opening his mouth as if to add another extremely hilarious, witty one liner to the conversation equivalent of the Titanic. Violet, patience run out, cut him off with an equally curt "got to go", leaving poor Wilbur to watch as this strange new girl gathered her bags and strode away. 

"You can't please them all."

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