Meeting the seven! And Nico! And Thalia!

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"Sorry" I said as I fallowed my dad. We went to the shed and Percy went in. There was a "what?!" and a "ya!" then he came out with a man. His shirt was dirty and greasy with a tool belt. "hey 'I'm Leo" he said I shook his hand "Elizabeth" I said "Leo? oh Leo have you seen Blake I can't find him any were" she said she was wearing a camp T-shirt and jeans. Her hair was in a pony tail and it was in one big curl. She looked really pretty. She looked at me and came up "hi who are you?" she asked " Calypso this is Elizabeth my daughter Elizabeth this is Calypso" Annabeth said I shook her hand as she smiled "Blake were are you there is a new person!" Leo yelled a boy about my age ran up to me "hi I'm Blake what's your name? Do you have any powers? I do I can light in fire see!" he talked fast and the light on fire. I made water put it out. "thanks!" he said "to Jason and Piper!" my dad said. Blake talked abut camp and how cool my dad and mom were. I laughed as we went up to a cabin. Again Percy went in and there was a "what?!" and a "congrats man!" and they steped out. A drown haired woman and a blond haired man. The woman came up to me and shook my hand "hi I'm Piper and you must be Elizabeth" she said and shook my hand "yep" I said "Jason" the man said. Piper went behind the cabin and got two kids around my age. A blond haired girl and a brown haired boy. The girl ran up and shook my hand "hi! I'm Jade and this is Bryan" she said nodding tword the boy. He shook my hand "I'm Elizabeth" I said "to Frank and Hazel!" my dad said and led us to another cabin. They said hello frank had black hair and hazel had brown curly hair. A girl came out with back wavey hair. "hi I'm May!" she said as we shook hands "Elizabeth" "to Thalia and Nico!" my dad said and lead us to the next cabin. My dad was about to knock on the door when it opened a black haired man stepped out with a black haired woman "how did you?....." my dad started "we heard you" the man I said and walked up "hey I'm Nico" he said as he shook my hand the woman walked over "I'm Thalia" she said and shook my hand "Elizabeth" I said. Nico had gone behind the cabin and came back with a black haired boy that looked around my age "hi I'm Jay" he said shaking my hand "Elizabeth" I said

Elizabeth the demi-godحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن