
Wow, it is February already and it is such a short month.  Dexdon and I are living together now and we are doing just fine. We both go to work together I am so very happy what more can I ask for. (Phone ringing) Hello. This is LaShella. Hi LaShella. I need to talk to my dad but he is not answering his phone. When he is with a patient he doesn't answer the phone. Is there something I can help you with? Yes, please well one of the boys was in detention for a couple of months and now he is out. Well, that sounds good. No, it is not good because there was a fight with some boy and the twins killed him and they are saying that it was self-defense. How old was the person that they killed? He was twenty-four years old. He was a grown man trying to fight fifteen-year-old boys. Where are the boys now? They are in the hospital. Why? Are they alright? No. One of the boys was cut on his arm and had to have thirty stitches and the other boy was cut very bad on his leg they are not sure if they might have to cut it off. I will know later on today if they will be able to save it. LaShella honey are you ok? No. I called my husband he will be here tomorrow because he had to go out of town on a business trip. LaShella I am coming up to the hospital to be with you until Dexdon Jr. makes it back in town. Thank you so very much. Bye, I will see you soon. ( At the hospital) (hugging each other) Thank you for coming Rou for coming up here I am scared. Everything is going to be fine. Where are the girls? I asked Zoe if they can stay with her for a couple of days and go to school from there. She said yes so I had them to pack some things and take their games and laptops and whatever else they might think they need. Did you tell them what happened to their brothers? Yes. So what did they say? They didn't say anything I guess they have to process it. Mrs. Roen (the police) can you tell me anything about this matter? No. Mam, they killed a man because they went to get the money that he owed them. What?  Yes, mam, he owed them five hundred dollars and he told them he was not going to pay them and that is when a fight started. I don't know who had the weapon but the man was stabbed in the heart one time and we don't know which one of the boys stabbed him yet. So now what officer? When they are able to leave the hospital they will be going to the jail. So you will be arresting them? Yes, mam, someone was killed and we have to sort this out. Thank you, officer sir said Rou and they walked away for the officer. LaShella.  Yes.  You and Dexdon need to get your boys a lawyer. You need to find out what kind of lawyer you need for this.  Is there such a thing as self-defense in the eyes of the law? I am not sure. (The doctors) Mrs. Roen yes I am she. We are able to save your son's leg but he will need a lot of therapy. You can go in and visit with the boys. Are they in the same room? Yes. Thank you, Doctor.  They are sleeping so I will come back in the morning with Dexdon.


Why did you leave the job so suddenly? LaShella called me because she was not able to get you on the phone. I explained to her that you don't answer the phone when you are in with a patient. Then I asked her did she need something.  She asked me if I would come up to the hospital and be with her so then I went. Has LaShella called you yet? No, she hasn't. I will just go over to her house. You don't think it is too late.  Well, it might be I will just wait until tomorrow. I will meet them at the hospital. That will be better. You do that and I will run the office. Ok, that will be good. 

At the hospital

Hi son. Where is LaShella? She is in the room with the boys they are still sleeping they are on some strong pain meds and something that is making them sleep. So did Rou tell you anything? No, she said she will let you tell me everything. Dad, we need to get them a lawyer.  So tell me what happened.  They killed a man because they went to get the money that he owed them. What? Yes, mam, he owed them five hundred dollars and he told them he was not going to pay them and that is when a fight started. The police officer said he doesn't know who had the weapon but the man was stabbed in the heart one time and we don't know which one of the boys stabbed him yet. The officer said that they will be arresting them? Because someone was killed and we have to sort this out.  Why do they have a policeman sitting at their door? Honey, they committed a crime.  I need to leave son so that I can make some phone calls I might know someone that can help them but they did commit a crime and there will have to be some kind of consequences behind that you know. Yes, we know this but I will do the best I can  Thanks, dad. I have to go now. Bye son please keep me posted. Ok, I will. Love you. 

Getting a Lawyer 

Günter Von Attorney speaking. Hi, Günter this is Dexdon I need to meet with you. When? Now. Ok. Do you want to come to my office? Sure. Fine. I will see you in fifteen minutes. Ok bye.  (knock, knock) come in old friend. So how is the family? My children are doing great.  But two of my grandchildren are doing terrible. Dexdon Jr. have two fifteen-year-old boys and they have committed a heinous crime and I need your help, please. You know I am not cheap I know I call you because I want the best and you are the best and I know you are not cheap. My pay is $118,160 and if there are two then that will double. Can you afford me? Yes, man other wise I would not be talking to you. So tell me what happened.   They killed a man they went to get some money that he owed them. He owed them five hundred dollars and he told them he was not going to pay them and that is when a fight started. The police officer said he doesn't know who had the weapon but the man was stabbed in the heart one time and we don't know which one of the boys stabbed him yet. The officer said that they will be arresting them? Because someone was killed and we have to sort this out. Where are the boys at now? They are in the hospital. Why are they in the hospital? The boys are saying it was self-defense one of the boys was cut on his arm and had to have thirty stitches and the other boy was cut very bad on his leg and at first, they were not sure if they would be able to save it but they did. They are juveniles and courts requires specialized knowledge of procedures and issues unique to that system. So this is a drug/murder issue. So are you going to take the case? Yes, I am Dexdon. Thanks, Günter. So how do you want your money? You can pay me now or later in the amount of $ 236,320. Ok, do you take checks or credit cards? I will take a check. Let me know when the boys are able to talk to me. Ok. I want to be there through everything. 

Calling Dexdon Jr.

Hey Dexdon. Hey, dad what's up? Well I went and spoke to a lawyer for the boys and he is willing to defend them and considering what they did there will be some sort of repercussion behind that but this lawyer is pretty good. Where are the boys now? The boy with the stitches is doing better the doctor said that he might release him in about two days. And the other one should be out in about a week. Once they have been released from the hospital they will be going to jail the police said. Son please let me know and tell them not to talk to anyone except for their lawyer. Where is your wife? She is in the room with the boys. Well I will be talking to you soon I have to go. Ok thanks dad. 

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