Part 2

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March 12, 2016

On a Sunday afternoon, billy was sitting on his porch watching his 20 year old daughter showing her son his new home.

Billy worked all his life as a cop supporting his daughter Cheryl. After his wife died he resigned and became an Alchoholic. Cheryl went by every Sunday to check up on her father.

Cheryl: do you need anything dad?

Dad: Cold 45 would be nice sweetheart...

Cheryl: look Im going to stop bringing Kevin around. I just got him, he shouldn't be around this. He needs his grandpa but not like this.

Dad: its not about him. It's about me. I am the most important thing in your life and you should be taking care of me you want to stop bringing that kid? Shit go ahead Hes a little rat anyway.

Cheryl: I've done told you not to be talking down on my baby. He doesn't know any better. He's just a little boy.

Dad: little boys don't disrespect their elders.


Billy looks at Cheryl and snaps

Dad: being an Alchoholic isnt fun and games. It takes long hard hours to go to therapy to cope without taking a drink. I dont need a drink as much when your not here with that kid. You don't know how to raise him right. He's bad as hell.

Cheryl: you really can't talk about raising a kid right you never were there to raise me.

Billy stands with a wobble and walks inside and to the window to look at Kevin.

Cheryl:you know if you weren't so Damn selfish ma would be here right now helping you with this battle.

Billy: your mom sure raised a bitch. You can't even find a man to have your own kid with. Nooooo*burps* "grandson" of mine will ever disrespect me in my house. Get the fuck out Cheryl.

Cheryl: and where am i gonna go with a 6 year old..

Kevin sees them arguing but doesn't understand what's going on. He looks around the yard and sees nothing but bright and beautiful colors. He runs along the fence. Running his fingers along it as he goes. It was a perfect fence, couldn't see through it, couldn't see over it. Kevin looks around the end of the fence and first thing that catches his eye is the slide. He takes off running and jumps over the first few steps' gets to the top and sits down. He looks over at his mom, she was crying. Getting ready to slide down he looks behind him. He can see over the fence. The feeling of beautiful and bright changed to ugly and dark. A tree with no leaves. Windows so scratched cant see in nor out. There was a little girl in a white dress with long black hair. Kevin slid down and ran to the fence and knocked on it and called out.

Kevin: Hey i know you're back there i saw you.

He doesnt hear anything, he goes back to the slide and sees nothing..

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