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"So what's your name?" Little waterdrops fall from his blonde curls and his brown eyes search for mine.

"Cath" I lit on a cigarette. "It's short for Cathryn."

He smiles at me. "Why on earth >Cath< for short?" 

I look directlx in his eyes. "it's an oxymoron."

"Can i have your lighter?" he says as he puts out a pack of cigarettes.

I give it to him as he lits one as well.

"Do you know the meaning of Cathryn?" I ask him

He looks curious and i take a deep drag.

"It means inoocent. My parents had an idea of how i should be, they even let it know in the name. They were very religious and strict and always excpected me to be the perfect daughter until i had enough and proved them that i am not cathryn. Im not innocent, i am someone else. I am Cath."

He looks at me for a second.

"I love the meaning of this. My name is Bran. Short for Brandon. Comparing to you i love my name because it means flame and i think that totally fits me. "

"Why Bran then?"

He looks deep into my eyes. "Do you know what the half of a flame is?"

I don't really understand what he means so i shake my head.

He takes another deep drag. "It's when you don't know if its going to burn. You cannot predict it. You don't know what is going to happen next. That's me.Bran."

"Sounds geniously if i would get it." i told him frustrated.

"See" he takes my lighter and turns it on. "Brandon means flame. If you take the short form Bran which is the half of the name, it is the half of a flame, logically." I nod.

"So.. " he  turns of the lighter. "You can see flames only when they are burning fully. But when they are just about to start burning you dont see them. you cannot think of if its actually going to burn, you dont even know youre in trouble because people recognice trouble only when they see it. And that's me, the unpredictable evil- Bran."

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