Part 2

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I leave the choosing ceremony with the Dauntless. We run out the building and towards the tracks. I have watched the Dauntless often and know that now we are jumping on to the train. I run along the train car and grab the handle. I pull myself in and roll bumping into a burly Erudite boy.

 "Hey watch it Stiff!" the Erudite boy says grufly. 

 "Oh shut up Quinn!" A Erudite girl calls from across the car. The boy glares at me then walks away. 

I scurry quickly to my feet only to lose my balance and I have to sit back down. The floor of the train is cold and made of a dull grey metal. I scoot up against the wall and clutch my stomach. Wrapped underneath my shirt is my most prized possession. My point shoes. In Abnegation we don't dance, it is considered self indulgent. Really the only dancers are from Amity now a days. Still when I was little my mother snuck some Point shoes out of Amity and gave them to me. Then I taught myself to dance. I train and practices until I could dance better than all the Amity combined. Dancing helps me cope with my father's abuse and now even though I have escaped from him I couldn't bare to leave them behind.

We ride on the train for what seems like forever. It could have been 30 minutes, it could have been an hour, I'm not sure. Ahead of us Dauntless start jumping off. As the train slows I see what they are jumping on to. The ledge of a building 7 stories high with a small gap but enough for a human to fall through between the tracks and the roof.

The thought of my body in the pavement below scared me, still I have to jump. I'd rather be dead than factionless. I press myself to the other side of the car and take a running head start. Then I leap on to the building and roll. The gravel hurts my knee and my elbow stings but all I can think of is how exhilarating it is to feel weight less and what a perfect leap that was.

A Dauntless leader, I think his name is Max is talking up ahead. However I'm not listening still in a daze from moments ago.

 "Do I have any volunteers for First Jumper?" Max calls out. This snaps me out of my daze and I am momentarily confused. Then I look down and realize that he wants us to jump off into a giant hole below.

Timidly my hand goes up, wanting to feel the surge of air in my hair as I fall again.

A Candor boy named Jack scoffs and I glare at him as I step onto the ledge. I start to panic thinking I just volunteered to jump to my death. Then the rational side of me kicks in and I think there is a net at the bottom. With this thought in my mind I jump.

The rush is exhilarating and for a few seconds I fall, screaming in delight. Then my body hits something hard and I laugh. Sure enough there is a net. A hand reaches out to help me and I take. They pull me out and I see that this hand belongs to a man with dark blue eyes. They are mysterious but at the same time eerily familiar.


That's because they belong to your supposedly dead brother.

Hope you enjoyed -Quinn

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